Whitecourt Mimicry in HO

Probably time for a small update. It's been near a week since the last visit.

The bridge was primed in oxide red. I'll let that enamel set for a week, and then spray with finish colour acrylic. That way I can weather it a-bit very easily, with alcohol.
In the photos, I still need to add scenic vegetation materials and gloss coat the stream. The stream will be done last, just before the bridge is set down permanently.
Bridge_06-01-2024 (1).JPG
Bridge_06-01-2024 (2).JPG
I levelled the left track entry with drywall compound, and I'm waiting for that to dry for sanding.

A near full view of my small layout today:
Bridge_06-01-2024 (3).JPG

It's only 10x12. Apparently, that's big enough according to the wife.:rolleyes:🤨😞
Yeah, that layout needs to be at least twice as big. LOL.

That bridge scene is really cool. It reminds me of a bridge scene I recently added on my layout! Your rock effects look really cool, as do your river rapids! It's going to be awesome seeing the rocks covered with scrub grass and shrubs
I've been experimenting with foam scenic materials.

Using a 50/50 mixture of white glue and water, I put down a little bit of earth coloured 'turf'.
Layout_06-02-2024 (2).JPG

Then, I decided to try adding some foam bush materials.
All I did here, was dap a blob of white glue down, and stick on a patch of the foam bush material. Three colours of foam were used.
I'm a bit worried that I didn't do it properly; wondering if it will be stable and stay where it was put. I'm thinking it won't survive a vacuum and probably not a dusting. - Perhaps I should give it a squirt of hair-spray.

I'm also experimenting with painting a garden woodchip mulch material to look like rocks. If a wash was applied to the painted chip properly, I believe the chips would make a decent rock. In the photo, the upper rock is a woodchip, and the rock in the creek is a real rock. The chips are easier to work with and can be carved to fit.

Anyway, I'll soon have that bridge glued down and tracks across it. That will complete the loop, and the last spike can be hammered in.

Thanks for looking in!
To be con't...
Guy - Spray your foam bushes with a 50/50 mix of alcohol/water, and then dribble some 40/60 mix of white glue/water on it. Saturate it and let it dry. It will hold up to a vacuum easily.
Thank you for that, Willie! I am definitely going to take your advice and try that, as soon as I've finished haphazardly adding my onslaught of scenic materials.

Layout_06-06-2024 (2).JPG

I suppose I should have added the grass flock before experimenting with the bushes.
The nice thing about using foam to simulate the diverse variety of growth in nature, is that it's very hard to really mess-up. I'm going to continue on in my comical, haphazard throwing-down of the grass flock, spice it up with other ground-cover colours, and then build up the bushes to my satisfaction.

I don't drink, and I don't use drugs. So I am entirely responsible, without blame on outside forces, for anything that happens within the borders of this miniature world. I'll be dropping down a-lot of foam on this fine Thursday.

Thanks for looking in!

To be con't....
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I believe I've added all the grass that I care to, for now.

Today, before continuing with layout matters, I have a number of yard chores to take care of. If I find time, though, I think the next step would be to cut and install the facia in front of the river crossing. Then I can go ahead with planting and building up the bushes.

My grand-daughter knows I'm working on the river crossing. She is excited to run the first train over the bridge. I'm going to make sure she gets the first train across.

To be con't...
Mostly, I'm a 'let's try this' kinda guy, with no clear plan of action. I can't see into the future, so I never know how things are going to work out. My plan seems to be to try it out, and if it don't work, we'll cover it up with something else.
Lucky for me, what I'm trying out so far seems to be working. My brain is telling me, 'Hey! That looks alright!'.

I've added as much bushes to the canyon walls as I'm going to, for the time being. The beauty of it is, that I can build it up as much as I want in the future, if my mind tells me to do so.
Layout_06-07-2024 (1).JPG

The 3 background trees are just another experiment. I tried making some trees 2yrs ago, just to see how it went. Those 3 were kept from that experiment, knowing I might need them one day.

As far as future thoughts go, I do hope to populate this valley. I'm thinking a hobo camp under the bridge, someone fishing on the east bank, a white-water rafting clubhouse lower right, and the Sasquatch and a moose on the left.

Somehow, I really do feel I'm on the right track for this miniature world. I feel it is progressing nicely, although slowly.
Layout_06-07-2024 (2).JPG

Thanks for looking in!
To be con't...
There are no canyons like these close to where I live, so I cannot actually compare. But I like your placement of grasses and bushes so far. Maybe you need a small sapling tree here and there, but as you posted, you can build up more in the future. Trees are my nemesis. I do not (in my opinion) do them well and I need thousands.
Willie - Thanks for the comment. We have one canyon close-by. It's called Hard Luck Canyon, and has very steep walls; not plateaued like mine. The first time I was there, a rope was used to scale the canyon walls to access the bottom. Since then, the county has built stairs.
There's no way my canyon is a match for any canyon I'm familiar with. I think it looks ok, though. That's good enough for me.

Today, I poured Mod Podge onto my creek to give it some protection and gloss. Mod Podge goes on white, but, will dry clear.
Layout_06-08-2024 (1).JPG

Since the Mod Podge had to dry, preventing me from working on the canyon further, I decided to build the front facia. That is now installed and I'm waiting for the glue to dry.
It might look better with some paint. At least that horrible pink/blue styrofoam is hidden.
Layout_06-08-2024 (2).JPG

Thanks for dropping in!
To be con't...
Mostly, I'm a 'let's try this' kinda guy, with no clear plan of action. I can't see into the future, so I never know how things are going to work out. My plan seems to be to try it out, and if it don't work, we'll cover it up with something else.
Lucky for me, what I'm trying out so far seems to be working. My brain is telling me, 'Hey! That looks alright!'.

I've added as much bushes to the canyon walls as I'm going to, for the time being. The beauty of it is, that I can build it up as much as I want in the future, if my mind tells me to do so.
View attachment 191343
The 3 background trees are just another experiment. I tried making some trees 2yrs ago, just to see how it went. Those 3 were kept from that experiment, knowing I might need them one day.

As far as future thoughts go, I do hope to populate this valley. I'm thinking a hobo camp under the bridge, someone fishing on the east bank, a white-water rafting clubhouse lower right, and the Sasquatch and a moose on the left.

Somehow, I really do feel I'm on the right track for this miniature world. I feel it is progressing nicely, although slowly.
View attachment 191344

Thanks for looking in!
To be con't...
I think the canyon looks good the way it is. I often move on to the next thing then often go back a month or two later.

Adding small groups of trees or shrubs is a common technique.

Lookin good! Dave
Thankyou for the kind comments, folks!

I aged 3 months over the time between the first photo, and the 2nd photo where the first train was run across the bridge.
Layout_06-09-2024 (3).JPG

Layout_06-09-2024 (1).JPG

Now that I can run a train around a complete track loop, I'm going to abandon the bridge scene; for now.
I'll concern myself with other areas of the layout. Like Main Street, which is in need of more structures. Many more stores and business structures. There's roadwork and terrain to work on, lamp posts and store lighting to install, people to paint, fence to put up, vegetation, etc, etc, etc. I'm not sure a person ever really gets done.
Layout_06-09-2024 (2).JPG

But, it will be fun to have a train running around while I'm building and playing.

To be con't...
This morning, just for fun, I tried to mimic a 2021 photograph I took of the bridge crossing over the McLeod River.
Mimic_11-2021 (1).jpg

Mimic_06-10-2024 (1).JPG

Ok, I'm done playing. Perhaps after chores I can get to work on a structure. That BA gas station is still sitting there.

To be con't...
Hammering in the last spike to join the tracks for a complete loop, didn't help the modelling end of things. I've been playing with my new treasures ever since the loop was joined.

I've made a short video of a train crossing the bridge. Horrible video, really. My mind is telling me there's lots of light, but, the camera dosen't agree.

My yard is definitely too small. It will never hold all the rolling stock I've collected, along with the g-kids stuff (closest 2 tracks). I'm hoping it will help when I get to constructing the various rail served business structures, and I'm able to park cars there.

Having such a small layout is not upending my desire. All the modelling and structure building will keep me very happy for awhile.

To be con't...
Hammering in the last spike to join the tracks for a complete loop, didn't help the modelling end of things. I've been playing with my new treasures ever since the loop was joined.

I've made a short video of a train crossing the bridge. Horrible video, really. My mind is telling me there's lots of light, but, the camera dosen't agree.

My yard is definitely too small. It will never hold all the rolling stock I've collected, along with the g-kids stuff (closest 2 tracks). I'm hoping it will help when I get to constructing the various rail served business structures, and I'm able to park cars there.
View attachment 191638

Having such a small layout is not upending my desire. All the modelling and structure building will keep me very happy for awhile.

To be con't...
Its showing that the video is private, and cant be viewed.

Everything is looking good!
I actually made my yard a little shorter than it was but it’s more of a set out and pick up kind of thing rather than storage. Besides, rolling stock should be doing just that and making money. LOL
I’ve also found that less track just looks less cluttered.
Looking good!
Hammering in the last spike to join the tracks for a complete loop, didn't help the modelling end of things. I've been playing with my new treasures ever since the loop was joined.

I've made a short video of a train crossing the bridge. Horrible video, really. My mind is telling me there's lots of light, but, the camera dosen't agree.

My yard is definitely too small. It will never hold all the rolling stock I've collected, along with the g-kids stuff (closest 2 tracks). I'm hoping it will help when I get to constructing the various rail served business structures, and I'm able to park cars there.
View attachment 191638

Having such a small layout is not upending my desire. All the modelling and structure building will keep me very happy for awhile.

To be con't...
McLeod - I don't think there is ever enough room. I have gotten into the habit of switching out my freight cars from a big tub I keep under the layout, makes things a little more interesting.

On the bright side, landscaping goes a lot quicker with the smaller layout:)

LOOKS GOOD all the same! Dave
