White Residue Using AIM and Hair Spray


New Member
Just beginning to use the combination of AIM weathering powders and hair spray. I am seeing a white or opaque glaze on certain areas, particularly on flat surfaces like a box car side or number board.

I have been mixing the powders with "White Rain" and applying with a brush and/or spraying the item to be weathered with hair spray and then dry burshing the color.

I ususally seal the finished area with a spray of hair spray.

Any thoughts on my sequence, or what I might be doing wrong. I had considered covering everything with Poly Scale Flat Finish

Really like these powders, very forgiving with lots of time to move them around. Still need some practice to get the "right" look.

I would have posted this on the modeltrainsweathered forum but I cannot post. I have registered about 10 days ago and received my initial acknowledgement but never a final activation.
Don't those weathering powders have an adhesive mixed in already? I've never used them, but I thought this was the case. I have used hairspray however. When I was done making trees, I had a thick coating of opaque gunk on my fingers. I would try to cut down on the hairspray.
AIM Powders

I have been experimenting further after your recommendations and I find the powders are just as easy to work with having a water mix. Just finished a first round of powders and dullcoat, no wash out and excellent weathered color is still showing. We will see how additional layers of powder will work with a dullcoat between.
I mix my powder with hairspray to make a paste for some applications. But have had no luck using hairspray as a sealer. I get cloudy white spots where the hairspray is too thick. Getting a thin, fine mist seams to be the key to using hairspray as a sealer. I just seal with dullcoat in a spray can.
