What's your worst locomotive? Running or not. Ugly too.

Old 97


Right now, this unit here is top on the list.
Crashed and burned.
Not running.
Number lost to history.
Broake & Howe RR management has no idea of current location.
One of the female interns thinks the loco went for scrap. :oops:
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I really don’t have a worst locomotive as far as looks go, the herd has been thinned out.
I do however have a worst running locomotive which happens to be my most expensive too, a Rapido switcher that only runs an inch at a time due to the massive amount of factory applied grease. 😢
One day I’ll get up the courage to open it up.
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Worst locos just need some dressing up, that first would make a great burned out
My brother gave me one with a burnt out engine….I Thomased it lol…


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I can't show a photo of it now - it's sitting on an old siding on the other side of the quarry. It's got a couple of blow boiler tubes, but I'm going to repair it someday.
Several years ago I bought a consignment Roco Br.151. It was DCC ready, so I popped a decoder in it and it ran fine for a month or so.

The gear towers were bad, as were the bottom bogie covers. These were the old snap on style before they got smart and started using screws.

It wasn't worth my time or money for parts and it didn't have sound.

I replaced it with a nice sound Piko Br.151 from their Expert Line.

I did swap the pans from the Roco model. Those pans were the correct red color vs. the Piko pans.
If something is a problem child, I generally don't hang onto it. I do have a 1970's-era Rivarossi 2-8-4 with (imagine that) a bad motor.It's on its fourth motor, and I've bought up all the reasonably-priced replacements for it over the years. So it sits either on a dead line on the layout, or in a corner of my display case.
From the interwebs:

On April 5, 1964, around 2:30 a.m., a Grand Canyon Limited passenger train collided with a rockslide near Double A cut, west of Williams, Arizona, while traveling at 87 miles per hour. Tragically, this incident resulted in the loss of three passengers’ lives1. The impact of such an event would have been devastating, and the rugged terrain likely exacerbated the consequences.

How many rock slide wrecks happened through those canyons? There must be some more nasty wrecks?
