What does HO mean?

Thanks. I'm glad someone got it.

My son likes to joke on that too, when we are in hobby stores. He will pick up a house and say something like "hey look dad, here's a HO house for your layout"

He's 24 and just graduated college today.
OK, OK, but what does "N" stand for. That's the only one I still can't figure out...I think. :)

The "N" in N-Gauge comes from the fact that the separation between the rails, or in other words the track gauge, is Nine millimetres. In actuallity, N's "scale" has been variable over time and dependant on the country of origin, so N-Gauge is the correct name/term to employ in speaking about these trains, although most have lost sight of this fact.

Incidentally, N-Gauge essentially evolved out of a briefly existing scale that was termed OOO (treble-oh).

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