Weathering Rolling Stock, a Continous thread

Vallejo Air I thin the few times I use it now for fading the car. That is the “for effect” that CambriaArea51 wrote about. Tom is very right that Vallejo Air is thin enough without thinner.

The CMO covered hoppers from Scaletrains have a grayish beige look to them. The 30% Vallejo white to 70% Vallejo thinner should give me the fade Coloring I want. We’ll see next week when I’m back at the bench.

Great streaks on that hopper Jay
Time to finish a project. 3 CMO covered hopper by Scaletrains sitting on the paper mill lead where security is fairly tight. They are waiting for the pulp hop to pick them up and deliver them to Paper Mill Yard. There I’m sure with less security they will at least get tagged

Actually the client now isn’t sure about the tagging but has definitely ruled out graffiti

Hi Tom -

I was anxious to get this billboard car done so dove in as a singular project. Changing out couplers was a real problem because of the way they assembled it, it was an ebay buy and the risk in buying was mine as they only had one photo posted.

For weathering this old timer, I did the dull coat followed by the white wash. I went over it with some india ink/alcohol/water and then some brown wash in a few spots. The trucks were the brown primer followed up with a little gray wash to get them a little dirty. I am pretty happy with this one, for being a somewhat low detail model with good lettering, fits my era perfectly:


Hi Tom -

I was anxious to get this billboard car done so dove in as a singular project. Changing out couplers was a real problem because of the way they assembled it, it was an ebay buy and the risk in buying was mine as they only had one photo posted.

For weathering this old timer, I did the dull coat followed by the white wash. I went over it with some india ink/alcohol/water and then some brown wash in a few spots. The trucks were the brown primer followed up with a little gray wash to get them a little dirty. I am pretty happy with this one, for being a somewhat low detail model with good lettering, fits my era perfectly:

View attachment 191483

It fits your era for sure. Subtle weathering, very nice
Hay Tom! Found a pix that might be interesting for ya. This is just out of Memphis. Cars are either headed to or from the refinery ( to right ). Interesting rust or chemical on the one.

And if you just want to know where all those truck fuel tankers fill-r up, this is on the other side of the hiway:

Hay Tom! Found a pix that might be interesting for ya. This is just out of Memphis. Cars are either headed to or from the refinery ( to right ). Interesting rust or chemical on the one.
View attachment 191849

And if you just want to know where all those truck fuel tankers fill-r up, this is on the other side of the hiway:
View attachment 191850

Thanks Todd. Interesting and very informative pictures.

I see white tanks cars very infrequently in So. Central Wisconsin as the closest tracks are like 5-7 miles and the WSOR mainly seems to come through Madison after dark. I have taken up train watching via YouTube. So thanks for the pictures showing those white tankers. I love the rusted one
Good morning advocates of weathering model trains! I haven’t forgotten to post it’s just I haven’t been really accomplishing anything to post a picture of

I did add safety stripes to the 🛣️2 new high cube 50’ boxcars with the intention of weathering them. Seems I got called out in a Facebook group that I inadvertently applied the stripes incorrectly. I needed to move them over 1 panel. So after applying them yesterday morning I removed them around noon and walked away.

I’m in no rush to accomplish anything. The next weathering commission unfinished is due in August. The 2 posted cars are for me, so definitely no rush. Any commissioned work that is due between next Monday and August are photographed, packaged up, labeled and will be invoiced the week before they are due to ship. I package them up so if I am gone the daughter or my assistant (not secretaries any longer) can ship them. Plus if anything happens to me the owners will get their equipment back finished or not. I tag everything when they come in

So, please post what you are weathering (if anything) or if you are on hiatus lets us know that too
Tom - been busy painting my little people and putting together the welding supply truck, however I did win (I love that word) a new box car on ebay and will get to that, maybe do a group of 4 or so, as soon as it arrives.

New box car.png

You read that right, this was $3.00 plus 7.00 shipping. Has KD's and fits my era. A little stretch to have this one in central MN but it will be on the layout all the same.

I desire to have some accomplishments for view Monday.

Tom - been busy painting my little people and putting together the welding supply truck, however I did win (I love that word) a new box car on ebay and will get to that, maybe do a group of 4 or so, as soon as it arrives.

View attachment 192651
You read that right, this was $3.00 plus 7.00 shipping. Has KD's and fits my era. A little stretch to have this one in central MN but it will be on the layout all the same.

I desire to have some accomplishments for view Monday.

Looking forward to seeing what you do with the EBay “win”
The humidity is high outside and the back deck was too sunny after 11 and the front porch didn’t have enough breeze. So go to the bench! I should have stayed outside!!!

I decided to change up my paint mix for wheels and trucks. I went black mixed with hull red at 50/50%.
71.057 vallejo air black
71.039 Vallejo air hull red

Looks pretty black, so brushed on straight hull red!

Definitely no reddish rust I normally see on trucks and wheels. So I will let these dry about 4 more hours and after the grandson’s hockey game I will hit these up with Vallejo Model Color’s burnt umber #70.941 hoping something shows up. I can always brush the normally used Vallejo Air burnt umber #70.040 if I don’t like it!

Have to play with mixes and colors for something different. It just doesn’t always work out!

I did the safety stripes on the 2 cars

and followed that up with Tamiya white #xf2 thinned with Isopropyl Alcohol at maybe 20% white, 5% flat earth #xf52 and 75% IPA mix
Compared to the older Michigan Interstate car on the tracks the car I just sprayed ( on the yogurt cup) is the fade I wanted! Success, feels good!
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A little stretch to have this one in central MN but it will be on the layout all the same.

Not at all. Boxcars got transferred everywhere. I’m modeling the C&O railroad (steam era) in West Virginia, and I have Union Pacific and Bangor & Arostook boxcars weathered for it. Why? Because 1950s photos in the C&O Historical Society archives show cars from those roads there.

Coal hoppers, on the other hand, tended to stay much more on home rails.
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So, please post what you are weathering (if anything) or if you are on hiatus lets us know that too

I’ve been in a period of acquisition since weathering my CSX locomotives. For future weathering, I have acquired:

2 C&O ARA (1930s era) 40-ft steel box cars, BLI
2 B&O 1950 50-ft steel box cars, Atlas
1 C&O 1890s-1905 wood box car, Athearn
1 40-ft wood reefer, billboard style, Borden milk, Atlas
2 C&O 70-ton hoppers, 1954-ish, 3-bay, BLI
4 C&O 70-ton hoppers, 1940s, 4-bay, BLI
I’ve been in a period of acquisition since weathering my CSX locomotives. For future weathering, I have acquired:

2 C&O ARA (1930s era) 40-ft steel box cars, BLI
2 B&O 1950 50-ft steel box cars, Atlas
1 C&O 1890s-1905 wood box car, Athearn
1 40-ft wood reefer, billboard style, Borden milk, Atlas
2 C&O 70-ton hoppers, 1954-ish, 3-bay, BLI
4 C&O 70-ton hoppers, 1940s, 4-bay, BLI
Nice, like to see how you weather these.
I’ve been in a period of acquisition since weathering my CSX locomotives. For future weathering, I have acquired:

2 C&O ARA (1930s era) 40-ft steel box cars, BLI
2 B&O 1950 50-ft steel box cars, Atlas
1 C&O 1890s-1905 wood box car, Athearn
1 40-ft wood reefer, billboard style, Borden milk, Atlas
2 C&O 70-ton hoppers, 1954-ish, 3-bay, BLI
4 C&O 70-ton hoppers, 1940s, 4-bay, BLI
Those will be fun
Those will be fun

I think I’m going to have to belay that fun for a while…

My layout is presently under construction., and right now, my yard is full with cars and engines. I also have a staging siding that is largely full, of modern (but unweathered) rolling stock (aluminum Bethgon coalporters). I have a two-loop main line, and the inner loop is over half full. The outer loop is only 40% built.

I have about 55 weathered cars in entirety. My inner loop is slightly over 50% full with a 33 car train.

Stored away are other previously acquired cars, cabooses, etc. That are “further out” weathering projects.

In short, my layout is congested, and I need to build it out further before I can put more rolling stock on it.

When the outer loop enters service, i’ll be running two trains of 30-35 cars, and have the staging siding under a mountain with the modern train able to roll out when I want, and an active but uncluttered yard, that will allow me to run shorter trains up the local branch line and back.

But for right now, I have to lay rails just to have the room to bring finished cars to the layout.
I spent a few hours Saturday on my weathering, turned out my dull coat was settled some and the bottom of the can was pretty heavy. Wife's nail polish remover was a good remedy, however the outcome was unexpected!

Some areas were very heavy and other areas typical, noticeable only after dry. I shook for several minutes vigorously, but no telling how long this product was on the shelf before I purchased it. I let some of the heavy stuff stay and used the white/gray wash to even things out.


getting ready to weather.jpg


I had worked on some of these in the past but wanted more practice. My system for trucks and wheels also shown. I will be using a slightly different auto body primer, a little more rusty than the last can.

group of four.jpg

You can see where the matte really went on heavy. Some of them looked like the door on the NP truss rod (third) but it came off easy with nail polish remover. I decided to leave the one area as is. I would have liked to have more of a dry brush effect on the ladders, may be going over them.

However, no one can get this close to the cars.
western pacific.jpg

Pretty happy with the WP. Prolly go over the ladders. Trucks do not show up well but I like them.

Soo line.jpg

This soo line has always been a favorite.

I spent a few hours Saturday on my weathering, turned out my dull coat was settled some and the bottom of the can was pretty heavy. Wife's nail polish remover was a good remedy, however the outcome was unexpected!

Some areas were very heavy and other areas typical, noticeable only after dry. I shook for several minutes vigorously, but no telling how long this product was on the shelf before I purchased it. I let some of the heavy stuff stay and used the white/gray wash to even things out.


View attachment 192974


I had worked on some of these in the past but wanted more practice. My system for trucks and wheels also shown. I will be using a slightly different auto body primer, a little more rusty than the last can.

View attachment 192975

You can see where the matte really went on heavy. Some of them looked like the door on the NP truss rod (third) but it came off easy with nail polish remover. I decided to leave the one area as is. I would have liked to have more of a dry brush effect on the ladders, may be going over them.

However, no one can get this close to the cars.
View attachment 192976

Pretty happy with the WP. Prolly go over the ladders. Trucks do not show up well but I like them.

View attachment 192977

This soo line has always been a favorite.

Wood ages and weathers differently than steel. If you do anything on these maybe just some rust streaks where the fasteners are and rust the ladders.

Dave, these look very good and really are fine without anymore work needed though.
