Weakend Foto Phun 1/5 - 1/7


I went to walmart and browsed the really crappy toy section, picked up a couple matchbox trucks, a fuel tanker and one of the international CXT pickups. brought them home and painted all the lights, made some fuel hose and grabbed some photo's.
it was the only one there, but I'll keep an eye out for ya. Heck for 97 cents.. and a little paint, I think it looks pretty good.
Holy mackerel! Serious amounts of talent and creativity this week, that's why this is one of my fav threads.

Ray, that's quite a swift slogan on the side of your coach <LOL>

Steve, that's some great-looking heavy machinery you picked up! I have a Kibri mega-loader that lives in my slag pit, looks similar to yours.

JT30 - your pix always have an interesting story to tell! That tower shot reminded me of my teenage days railfanning the B&O, I used to hang out in those interlocking towers all around Baltimore (times were much different in those days, not so much paranoia or fear of litigation like today)

Jos - I still say nobody makes trees as good as you do, even your 'dead' ones look real!

Chip, nice work on that loading dock. I see you're having lots of fun with your 'new' camera! (I never noticed the cat chasing after the toilet paper on the preacher's shoe until now)

Scott, I see your layout is starting to take shape, nice work! Those matchbox vehicles have a lot of potential - you'd be amazed how a little bit of paint can transform one of those things!

My offering for this week is a shot of a pair of Budd cars I picked up at MB Klein's Saturday morning:

Here's my contribution for this weekend:

Built and attached the swing gate for the layout. Now I have all the bench work finished. :)



John, is that picture made outside in the sun It is realy a nice one!!


Thanks !!

My indoor layout is on the window sill of my conservatory so it is inside but only just as all the walls and ceiling are glass. The picture is take on a dull afternoon and the shadows come from a Halogen lamp

Thanks Ken--I've had that camera almost a year now, and I'm finally figuring out stuff like hao to set the F-stop--which I assumed you did by rotating the numbers on the lens. But every time I did I got an error message. So I was settling for what "Auto" gave me. Then some one showed me the electronic setting and a whole new world opened up.

When all else fails read the--it's been on my to do list for about 10 months.

I have to admire the way you address everyone's offerings, I just say nice job everyone and think it. But I have to admit, it feels good when some one poits out what you did. I'm learning.

BTW. Those new cars look great.

Ray--Those decals look great. I've got two projects where I have to put decals on just around the corner. I have'nt doen it since I was like 8 and I have to tell you I'm pretty nervous. On one in particular, I have the only set of decals I know in exsistance. I think MicroScale is dicontinuing them. If you have any hints...

Radar--the more track you lay the more places your trains can go. Think of it as you expansion phase.

John--Nice work on that signal box. That's a lot of pike for 7". I'm impressed. (I think this is the only place on the Internet where you can compliment some guy's seven-inch pike and not get a date.)
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Steve--nice tractors. I have a "modified" Hogwarts Express that I run at open houses at out train club. It is the Hogwart's Freight and Ferry. The original Hall broke right away, but I painted up a Baldwin 4-4-0 as the replacement engine. It didn't have enough oomph to get all the cars up the grades, so I double head it with my son's Spectrum 2-8-0 so now the train has sound. Here's a few pics of the freight aspects. I also built a 4-6-0 from a kit, but I haven't installed the decoder yet.




Here's the 4-4-0


And here's the rolling stock. The Hogwart's Freight and Ferry is a mixed train of several freight cars and two passenger cars. Harry is riding up top learning from Ol' Brakie. (The very same I think that goes by Larry in this forum.)





Jos--I gotta agree with Ken, that is a fine tree specimen. The rocks ain't have bad neither.

Scott--That's a nice looking engine house. And those vehicles are super--of course I hold a soft spot in my heart for SP even if your loco is a century too modern.


GC--I know this is a picture of your fine gate, but danged if when I look at it I can't help but wonder why anyone would frame a poster of a screw sorter cabinet.

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Why thank you Chip! Decaling just takes a good eye and a steady hand. I hear your pretty good with a .38, you shouldn't have a problem.....;) :D

You could send an e-mail to Micro Scale to see if the decals you need are available. Trouble is if they do a run for you, you are talking at least 100 pages and a bit of $$$. Otherwise, contact some LHSs to see if they have some in stock. I had a run of my original logo of my RR done over 20 years ago as part of a run of decals that were ordered by a friend of mine who ran a small business decaling rolling stock. He had one spot on his run with my logo on it so he could just cut them off and sell them to me quite cheaply as it would have been wasted space on the run and so didn't really cost him anything. Unfortunately they had fossilized and when I went to use them a couple years ago, they disintegrated. You might be able to find someone that could do that type of thing for you.

Nice to see your layout photos again!
I saw a Ad in this months MRR for small batch custom decal jobs. I'll see if i can dig up the info for ya.

Thanks Chip! That engine house will eventually be part of a scrap yard.
GrandpaCoyote ...I just like your calendar!.....LOL joking the Ahem that bench work is coming along ....
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I had a run of my original logo of my RR done over 20 years ago as part of a run of decals that were ordered by a friend of mine who ran a small business decaling rolling stock. He had one spot on his run with my logo on it so he could just cut them off and sell them to me quite cheaply as it would have been wasted space on the run and so didn't really cost him anything. Unfortunately they had fossilized and when I went to use them a couple years ago, they disintegrated. You might be able to find someone that could do that type of thing for you.


I've had problems like that as well with some decals I have that are older than me!:) I was able to solve the problem by applying a coat of Testors' Glosscoat over the decals with either a spray can or an airbrush. The glosscoat didn't dissolve in the water and added strength to the decal film. Although I haven't tried this method I'm assuming that a coat of the sealer from a decal making kit does the same thing. Using Glosscoat, I did find two "problems" though.;)
One- The decal now has to soak longer in water and its best to use warm water.
Two- The decal is not as flexible as it once was and several more applications of a decal solvent, Solvaset, Micro-sol is needed to soften the film enough to get it to snuggle down over the details like rivets, etc.

I have, since using the Glosscoat trick, lost only two decals.:D
Geeee, and I applied decals about 2 months back, that were made in the 70's, with no issues at all!
CJ, thanks for the info. I have heard of doing that before. Of course I threw out all the old decals before I got involved with any MR forums........ Oh well, I will add it to my list of must tries when the new decals get 10 or 15 years old.......

Josh, it probably depends on the environment that the decals are stored in. Mine were in my old damp (back then) basement. They came off in little pieces and basically disintegrated.
Josh, it probably depends on the environment that the decals are stored in. Mine were in my old damp (back then) basement. They came off in little pieces and basically disintegrated.
Well I bought it on eBay, and I dunno how it was stored, but some of the wood parts were tarnished from moisture.
