Walthers HO concrete grain elevator, dimensions?

I'm talking about more specific than overall footprint. I'm really liking a 1x8' shelf switcher I'm designing, and the layout is small and cheap enough that I may actually pull the trigger on this one. The main structure though is a Walthers concrete grain elevator. To finalize the plan and/or determine if I need a different structure I'd like to know the specifics on width of the main house and silo structure, as well as the width of the railcar shed.

Thanks for the time, it's appreciated.
Did you try looking at walthers website for specs? I know modeltrainstuff.com usually has dimensions of each structure they sell. Their is a few websites that offer dimensions of the structures they sell.
Yes, I checked. Hence stating I needed specifics instead of overall. All Walthers provides is overall length, overall width, and overall height. And as I said, I need to know the with of the elevator itself/silo cluster, and/or the widths of the railcar and truck sheds.
