Tread Marks


Well-Known Member


Last year I tipped over a bottle of paint in the scrapyard under the front end loader…
I cleaned most of it up but it didn’t look right so I repainted the concrete and added more oil stains..
Today I took some Van Dyck Brown + Lamp Black oil paint added more stains and painted the wheel treads on the loader and drove it around
I still have to weather the loader and do more with the scrap piles…
Looks great!
Much better than what I did, roll the loader around in wet plaster… still picking it out of the tires! 😂
lol…chalk that up to a learning experience…

yesterday I was turning over a boxcar to reinforce via Crazy Glue the 2 foot steps I had previously broke off and reinstalled with Gorilla Glue…

Anyway I bobbled the car and sent it to the floor again…it was ok but

I had to get down on the floor with the flashlight to scour carpet for the same 2 steps…
