Trackside Industries


On your layout,
1- what trackside industries do you have and how do they relate to the operation side of it, i.e. a coal mine that ships to a power plant.
2- approximately how many industries, or other operation oriented areas such as gang tracks, do you have?
we have a fertiliser plant not far from here and right on the rail line, but they use trucks!! to bring materials in and out from our port. I'm going to model the plant and use covered hoppers to do the same job.

Another company near here is Goughs they are a huge CAT agent, they are also on a rail siding. I got a CAT train set for Xmas, so they are going to have a building too.

Theres lots of refinery style tanks down near the port tunnel too so some tank cars are required.

Just a few ideas!!

I like your "give or take 40 yrs" that gives you plenty of room to move. LOL

jacon12 said:
On your layout,
1- what trackside industries do you have and how do they relate to the operation side of it, i.e. a coal mine that ships to a power plant.
My primary point-to-point invloves a steel mill that gets unit-trainloads of bituminous coal for coke production from a mine at the other 'end' of the layout.

2- approximately how many industries, or other operation oriented areas such as gang tracks, do you have?
2a (within the mill) - hot metal 'bottle' cars between blast furnace and BOF; slag thimbles between bl. furn. and slag reclamation pit; ingot buggies between BOF and stripper crane; spotting of inbound gondola loads of scrap metal, inbound covered hoppers of BOF additives, inbound boxcars of refractory firebrick.
2b (outside the mill) - a propane distributor; incoming supplies warehouse for mining company; a small publishing company; bulk liquids transfer team track; a scrap metal dealer; interchange track for an off-layout grain elevator.

I guess that pretty well covers it...

No hangover here :) Been gone all day at another N scaler's house. Massive layout, now relating industries on his is easy, they are all based on the prototype.

On mine, we have a power plant that gets unit trains of coal and LPG tank cars, they are all from points outside the system. I also have a grain elevator, an farm equip company, retail sales, a grocery wholesaler, a machine shop and the largest next to the power plant is a Gluten plant, lots of flour in, and gluten out.

As far as MOW/track gangs I have a few hirail vehicles that roam and get in the way, as well as my RR doesn't have a sand and fuel facility, so a local fuel company has to bring a small tank truck out to fuel the engines, can take upto 4 trips to refuel the SD80's when they are bone dry ;)
dthurman said:

No hangover here :) Been gone all day at another N scaler's house. Massive layout, now relating industries on his is easy, they are all based on the prototype.

On mine, we have a power plant that gets unit trains of coal and LPG tank cars, they are all from points outside the system. I also have a grain elevator, an farm equip company, retail sales, a grocery wholesaler, a machine shop and the largest next to the power plant is a Gluten plant, lots of flour in, and gluten out.

As far as MOW/track gangs I have a few hirail vehicles that roam and get in the way, as well as my RR doesn't have a sand and fuel facility, so a local fuel company has to bring a small tank truck out to fuel the engines, can take upto 4 trips to refuel the SD80's when they are bone dry ;)

Thanks David. I'm still trying to get ideas and every little bit help.
I would recommend a couple of books from Kalmbach, they may help you get an idea on what you may and may not want to do, actually any of the operations books, 1 is by John Armstrong, I think it's Model Railroad design, the other 2 are by Tony Koester, both are about prototypical operations and design. I have all 3 and they are almost the bibles of MR operation.
The OPSIG website has a downloadable file that has about 40,000 industries on it. It was recently updated.

I haven't looked at it yet. But, I think it was compiled from the prototypes, and may have listings crossreferenced industry pairs.

I have it, it is excellent!!! I didn't realize there was an update. The Ops list at Yahoo is also a great source of operating and industrial facts.
On my layout it's mostly rural stuff, feed mills, stock yards, pulp wood, small lumber mills. Eight towns, six feed mills.I will be running alot of 40' boxcars of grain, stock cars of cattle and flats and gons of pulpwood. I also have two full work trains just to get in the way and mess things up!
Andy and Jarrel,

When you guys feel ready, join up with us on the virtual interchange section, we need more guys participating and exchanging traffic. Plus Jarrell, it may help you with some industry ideas.
ak-milw said:
On my layout it's mostly rural stuff, feed mills, stock yards, pulp wood, small lumber mills. Eight towns, six feed mills.I will be running alot of 40' boxcars of grain, stock cars of cattle and flats and gons of pulpwood. I also have two full work trains just to get in the way and mess things up!
Andy, I like the rural looking stuff. You must have a heckofa large layout with 6 towns!
Here is a list of industries found on the C&HV's Jackson Industrial district..Like a real short line none of my industries are interconnected.

1.Pillisbury.IN:Sugar,flour,corn starch,corn sweetener OUT: Cake mix and Empties.

2.Valley Produce.IN: Produce OUT: Empties

3.Midland Foods Dist.IN: Food stuffs,paper products/plastic ware. OUT: Empties.

4.Carters Lumber Co.IN: Lumber,roofing,Paneling,insulation.OUT: Empties.

5.Alloy Steel Blades Corp.IN Coil steel/empties. OUT:Lawn mower blades/ Empties.

6.Roberts Distribution. IN:Beer,wine whiskey Tobacco products. OUT Empties.

7.Country Boy Co-op. IN Empties/John Deere Implements,fertilizer, and barrels of farm chemicals Out Grain/Empties

8.Riverside Feeds.IN: Feed. OUT Empties.

9.Standard American Knitting Corp.IN Cloth,Dyes,tread. Out Military uniforms/Empties.

10.Honey Creek Meats Processors IN: Meats OUT: Empties

CDBI/C&HV Distribution Center.
1.Creeger Implement Co.IN: Case Farm implements. Out Empties.

2.The Yuleman Corp.IN: Steel Beams OUT Empties.

3.Southern Ohio Rural Electric. Electric poles,wire and transformers.OUT:Empties.

4.Cottons Lumber Co. IN: Lumber,Roofing Insulation Paint.OUT: Empties.

5.J.D.Gilbert Corp.IN: Rolled Paper OUT: Paper products/Empties
Brakie said:
Here is a list of industries found on the C&HV's Jackson Industrial district..Like a real short line none of my industries are interconn

6.Roberts Distribution. IN:Beer,wine whiskey Tobacco products. OUT Empties.

Thanks for the list Brakie. I'd like to work for Roberts Distribution :D
Brakie said:
Here is a list of industries found on the C&HV's Jackson Industrial district..Like a real short line none of my industries are interconnected.

1.Pillisbury.IN:Sugar,flour,corn starch,corn sweetener OUT: Cake mix and Empties.

2.Valley Produce.IN: Produce OUT: Empties

3.Midland Foods Dist.IN: Food stuffs,paper products/plastic ware. OUT: Empties.

4.Carters Lumber Co.IN: Lumber,roofing,Paneling,insulation.OUT: Empties.

5.Alloy Steel Blades Corp.IN Coil steel/empties. OUT:Lawn mower blades/ Empties.

6.Roberts Distribution. IN:Beer,wine whiskey Tobacco products. OUT Empties.

7.Country Boy Co-op. IN Empties/John Deere Implements,fertilizer, and barrels of farm chemicals Out Grain/Empties

8.Riverside Feeds.IN: Feed. OUT Empties.

9.Standard American Knitting Corp.IN Cloth,Dyes,tread. Out Military uniforms/Empties.

10.Honey Creek Meats Processors IN: Meats OUT: Empties

CDBI/C&HV Distribution Center.
1.Creeger Implement Co.IN: Case Farm implements. Out Empties.

2.The Yuleman Corp.IN: Steel Beams OUT Empties.

3.Southern Ohio Rural Electric. Electric poles,wire and transformers.OUT:Empties.

4.Cottons Lumber Co. IN: Lumber,Roofing Insulation Paint.OUT: Empties.

5.J.D.Gilbert Corp.IN: Rolled Paper OUT: Paper products/Empties

By 'interconnected', you mean all of your industries receive freight from 'off' your layout and not from another industry 'on' your layout? And ship it 'off' also? How do you work that, do you use a staging yard to bring the train into a yard where it is broken up for deliveries?
Thanks for any help,
Morning Brakie. I was wondering,how do you have your trains scheduled? Do you have like a morning turn,or an afternoon run? In other words what are your train schedules like? William.
jacon12 said:
On your layout,
1- what trackside industries do you have and how do they relate to the operation side of it, i.e. a coal mine that ships to a power plant.
2- approximately how many industries, or other operation oriented areas such as gang tracks, do you have?

Hello Jerrell,

1) I only have one 'captive' customer. ie., the Mill ships flour over the line to an online bakery that produces breads for retail grocers. The others, receive products that are shipped from connecting routes(staging yards) and are as follows:

A.J. Sweet(produce warehouse)-Mechanical reefers, plug-door boxcars.
Loads in, Empties out.

Webcrafters(large printing company)- Box cars, Tank cars, occasional flats
for arriving machinery. Loads in and

And Various 'Mid-Western' feed mills and the like.

2) In my "Monona Yard" I have the following:

a) Piggyback ramp for loading trailers on flats

b) Team track for transloading grain and plastic pellets or flatloads.

c) MofW track dock for receiving company supplies and materials.

d) RIP track for light repair of freight cars, waycars, and whatever else may
be in need of a HAMMER.

Hope this helps you with you thought process.

Good morning Jarrell..
The JIDS originates at the Jackson yard.The cars arrive by LOJAT(LOgan/JAkson Transfer.This is a train that runs between Logan yard and the Jackson yard as a yard transfer run.Another local that operates out of Logan switches the industries between Logan and Jackson.There are 2 mine runs on the Jackson sub as well.

The C&HV connects with the following roads.
Chessie(c&o) at Columbus.
N&W at Columbus.
CR at Columbus
DT&I at Jackson
Chessie(b&o) at Newark.
Scioto Valley Lines at Lancaster.
Ironton Northern at Athens.
Chessie(b&o) at Athens.
L&N Castle said:
Morning Brakie. I was wondering,how do you have your trains scheduled? Do you have like a morning turn,or an afternoon run? In other words what are your train schedules like? William.

Good morning William

The JIDS is a late afternoon turn that leaves the yard around 4:00 pm and on a normal work night JIDS usually returns around 10.00pm.Needless to say Pillsbury requires the most work.The JIDS operates Monday-Friday..On Saturday the JIDS is operated as the Pillsbury switcher.
LOJAT arrives in Jackson around 3:00am and leaves around 5:00am.
