Time and patients


Well-Known Member
My wife and went to church Sunday as we usually do and during the homily father said any thing worth while takes time and patients. How true that is for model railroading. A carpenter friend said to me one day that he was planning to built a layout. He said I bought some trains, track, two sheets of plywood and I'm thinking of some type of grade to make it interesting. My kids want it done this weekend could you help me with some suggestions. I could see that time and patients wasn't in his plan. In one of my threads I said I had a 20 year plan. I wanted to make sure it lasted well in to my retirement. I'm lucky because I have some unused space in the house. If you don't have a lot of space after you get the trains up and running you'll need to spend a lot more time on detail which takes a lot of time and patients. Other wise the layout will be done to fast and then what?

Time and patience...your friend will learn those as virtues as he progresses in his model railroading!

Help him get a loop up to give the kids something to run, and he will soon see there is more to this than just "throwing together a layout in a weekend". With your help, you can help develop their interest in the hobby!


Do you mean patience?

I know what you mean though, I keep getting grand visions way ahead of the current state of my layout. I've slowed the progress, as to not screw anything up. I'm avoiding laying any track, or starting and scenery until I get my chosen backdrop pieces, layout edge plater cloth, and buildings. I want to get the buildings built, and ready to place, so I can see how they'll fit, before I do the scenery & track. It's a long, boring, and arduous task, getting to the actual track work stage!
We all have problems w/spelling at some time or another, but, it's fun to pull someone's chain when we see it from someone else & not ourselves. Right?

Speaking of patients, that's a good audience for a layout. Consider building one at a retirement home, or a children's hospital. A train running around with a little noise might be just the thing to cheer those folks up....

Last year I worked at my local county fair for an organization that I belonged to. We had a free space because it was for the historical society. I had made plans w/the fair assoc. to set up a Thomas wood train set that would cover an 8by8 ft. table. Well, about August this year I called them to find out where my space was going to be in the building. Guess what!! They said I would have to pay for a spot this year because of the new rules. I said, OK, how much? They said, $375.00 for a 10 by 10 space. I just hung up on them & sat down to retreive my heart that just jumped out of my chest. This was just going to be a hands on project for the kids. Every year that I've worked the fair the only thing that the little one's had to do was get candy from all the vendors & I figured what the heck, trains would be better than candy.
I won't be working the fair in this town anymore after that shock. The county has to make money too, just not from me.
Larry - makes me wonder where the heads of some people are. I mean everybody needs and likes money.. but come on, the county doesnt need that 375 from you anymore than the county i live in needs to tax my salary, along with ALL the major utilities - the same with the school system.

I'm sure the kids would have LOVED coming by and doing the Wooden Train..I would have when I was a kid anyhow!

Hope you find another way to help the kids..
Spelling trouble

If you read some of my threads you know by now I can't spell. That's why I like posting all those photos.

pa·tience [ páysh'nss ]
1. capacity for waiting: the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset, or to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties
I was beginning to run out of patience.

Bad spelling again

What really happened Paul was that I looked up the spelling in the dictionary and then spelled it wrong when I posted the thread. Next time I'll use copy and paste.

George, When I was a kid all the way up to the age of 40 I was a real speller & always excelled in spelling even after that. But, when I put stuff on the forum I have spellers block & I think the longer U post on these forums you lose that edge. I sometimes type so fast w/my 2 fingers that I runwordstogether & don'tseethemistake until Ipostthemessage.

Speeelchukkers are the bane of good speelers.

A lot of it has to do with typing; if you have fat fingers, it's easy to hit the adjacent key. I usually am sympathetic in those cases, though personally, when I do it, I use the Backspace to correct. Or if letters are transposed; I remember when I took HS Typing 101 back in '73, I always had trouble with 'the': it came out as teh.

And, some of us just never learned to type. I wasn't happy about taking Typing back then (though on the positive side, I was the only guy in the class). My Dad made me take it, and look at us now, 35 years later!


I use http://www.iespell.com.

Funny thing is I taught university level English. Not one person interviewing me asked if I could spell.

On the first day of class I told this to my students. I said that from time to time I would misspell a word on the board. I said they could laugh if they want, but I'd rather they just called out the correct spelling.

Worked out just fine.
Ditto from me to George and what I meant was that I'v been ill for many years and as a patient have had very little patience with some doctors and nurses . I have fat little fingers and often mispell words or hit wrong keys . So who cares as long as we get the jest of it !!!OOPs I mean the gist of it .
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I spent years spelling it "patients" until someone mentioned it to me...

Speaking of elderly homes, looks like my dad might be finally pickup up his roots & moving out west with my Sister (who lives in AZ) & I. Then I can help my dad build himself a layout.
That's nice that you'll be able to build a layout with your dad, Josh. I'd be dead without IESpell. Most of my stuff would come out as pure gibberish. :)
