Tichy USRA Hopper build

I primered and painted the two hoppers over the past couple days:

I spray-bombed them with Walmart primer, my usual go to, and then airbrushed the pair with Polly-S light freight car Red. The primer dries so fast I can spray an acrylic the day after.
Before I painted I made and installed some coupler cut-bar brackets

I'll probably letter them with dry-transfer's this weekend, I have the two sets:
The two hoppers are pretty much finished now:

Applying the dry transfers went pretty smoothly, you just have to make sure they don't move while you're rubbing them down. I numbered them 2 numbers apart.
I also assembled and painted the trucks. I did have to trim the brake gear slightly to clear the wheelsets. I thought that I might have the car too low but the couplers lined up pefecly with the Kadee guage.

After lettering and spraying the cars with Matte sealant I added the coupler cut bars from Detail associates. These were easier to install than I thought.

Now all that's left is the weathering and adding the air hoses. I have coal loads on order from MoTrak Models, they should arrive soon. I've also thought about Rapido's magnetic air hoses that 'couple' when the cars are together but I'll probably just go with detail associates hoses.
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With weathering and airhoses, these hoppers are ready for service:


Actually those are the wrong airhoses (too long) I have better ones on order so those are not glued in.
Here they are in action on the layout. My GP-9 is pushing them into the mine spur

I got the Motrack coal loads the other day. They dropped right in:

They do have a small gap (if you're looking for it) between the load and the car walls. But they do look good to me.
