The NMRA and you?

In this month's (May 2017) NMRA Magazine, the President, Mr. Charlie Getz, discusses the fact that many feel there isn't enough "Bang for the Buck" to stay a member; or, become a member in the first place. Over all, I would say the dues aren't out of line, if you are a member of an active Division that has a few meetings; or, get together's in a years time. Such is not the case for the division I am in. Charlie also talked about how newcomers are treated when they show up for an event and are somewhat overlooked; or, ignored by the members of the Division/Region they are a member of. This is understandable to me. People want to hook up with their buddies when they go to these things, people they haven't seen since the last event. A new comer has to attempt to find buddies of their own and this can be difficult. Still, the current old timers and the new folks have to push forward with becoming acquainted. We all have this common interest; so, it really should be easy to find new friends.

I am hoping to attend the Joint Thousand Lakes Regional/Mid Continent Regional Convention on May 18th to the 21st in Ames Iowa. If I can go, I will have done my Due Diligence in attempting to find out what the NMRA is all about! The wife's knee surgery has to have healed enough that she can drive, in order for me to be able to go! If there were events for her to go to, she would come along. However, this doesn't seem to be the case, other than for one day.

Is anyone else planing to go to Ames? If so, lets hook-up!
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n this month's (May 2017) NMRA Magazine, the President, Mr. Charlie Getz, discusses the fact that many feel there isn't enough "Bang for the Buck" to stay a member; or, become a member in the first place.

Clearly, the organization recognizes there is a problem. I really don't know of a solution, that will get people to change the way they interact with other members, or how to promote activity where there is none. That will be the challenge. Meanwhile, people like myself have to evaluate whether the NMRA is more of a value than a Railroad Historical Organization dedicated to selling books about my favorite railroad.
Yes, and I would say the problem is that some of the Regions and Divisions are not active enough to make those members feel they are getting enough for their dues. Something else I don't like is that the NMRA is constantly looking for ways of making more money!
Yes, and I would say the problem is that some of the Regions and Divisions are not active enough to make those members feel they are getting enough for their dues. Something else I don't like is that the NMRA is constantly looking for ways of making more money!

Everyone is always looking for more and better ways of making much more money. The NMRA is no different. Back in the day, when the B&O RR ran the B&O Museum in Baltimore, the full time staff was five or less people, all railroad employees. Now that the Museum is "privatized", it requires many more people, plus someone other than the railroad has to pay the light bill. NMRA's facility in TN, is similar in that they have this facility that houses their archives, and has to be staffed, and paid for.

On the regional and local level, the NMRA relies on volunteers to plan and co-ordinate activities. Volunteering requires healthy people with time available to devote to make things happen. These people are fewer as time goes by. My local volunteer fire department, for example, is constantly trying to find competent and reliable people to volunteer their time to help protect the community. The requirements necessary involve a lot of personal time, and very few people are interested or devoted enough to meet the requirements.

The question, as time goes by, is whether or not any of the numerous model railroad / railfan / historical and preservationist groups will remain viable once their core focus group is no longer active.
The NMRA is not unique in this regard.
Good grief, I know many organizations are always looking for money! Doesn't mean I have to like it; or, that I need examples of how it works. I am paying what I feel is already a too high price for what I am getting out of being a member. The NMRA asking for more, I find irritating! You don't; or, you can rationalize their doing so, doesn't effect what I think about it!
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Mark: You know there is a solution for that...:rolleyes: I seriously question the need to preserve every piece of railroad scrap iron, but others disagree with me on that too. The whole railfan / model railroader hobby, is very diverse. Some folk value things that other folk view as folly. The price of membership dues and magazine subscriptions each year, will pay for a nice collection of Genesis locomotives. Personally, I no longer support societies that I don't feel give me value. This year, I will probably prune more stuff.
This was a discussion on why the NMRA seems to be missing the boat as far as membership is concerned. It has nothing to do with historical societies and if you want to talk about whether historical societies, restoration associations should exist, please start your own thread. In my very first post which started this thread I spoke about what I felt the future would be between the NMRA and myself
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Somebody got off on the wrong side of the
Nothing wrong in what WJLI26 posted, I totally agee
Doesn't matter if it's NMRA or historical societies or any thing related to trains, if volunteers are nowhere to be seen or becoming extinct, this hobby will become obsolete.

I am a member of the NMRA and I was suppose to go to the convention as my condo was booked, but decided to skip it and will go to the Springfiel show next year instead.
Because of that, this will be my last year as a NMRA member as I get no benefits at all.

Just my 2 cents.
Somebody got off on the wrong side of the
Nothing wrong in what WJLI26 posted, I totally agee
Doesn't matter if it's NMRA or historical societies or any thing related to trains, if volunteers are nowhere to be seen or becoming extinct, this hobby will become obsolete.

I am a member of the NMRA and I was suppose to go to the convention as my condo was booked, but decided to skip it and will go to the Springfiel show next year instead.
Because of that, this will be my last year as a NMRA member as I get no benefits at all.

Just my 2 cents.

I can't disagree, either. I just get tired of the drifting off into never-never land that threads tend to do. I want to keep this thread focused on the NMRA, not historical associations or restoration groups.
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In fact, I've pretty much said my piece. I will disassociate myself from this thread, now.
