The 8 train


Active Member
I hope this comes out better than it did on my unit -- This is my latest project. Building the Executive Train. Much like the ones by the UP / CN / BNSF this unit has it's own loco. This is the GP-20 which was repainted. The lettering is another story.

Back in the early 80's I had "Herald King" make up some for my own road. Used some and the rest was left sitting. Over the years they dried out and if you tried to use them they went into a zillion pieces. I still have plenty of them left, how to use them? The solution was to spray them with Minn Wax clear varnish and let it dry. This gave a new film on the thing to try to put on a model. I guess it worked. these are the first Royal Point decals put on a unit since the late 80's.


Why 8 train? No special reason, just I have other company cars numbered, and this was sort of the next number on the list -- The loco, the box car, which is both a tool car and a garage for the boss's pickup and SUV is in the middle, and uses a ramp which extends out of the double doors. That is an old automobile carrier if you were wondering. The absolutely LAST car I painted before I moved the business home. The observation car is a Roundhouse model I worked into what I needed. It is Amtrak self contained, note the tank below the bathroom, and has "HEP" power connections back to this loco.

Just another thing -- OH YA - the "rough finish" on the units? That is a Teflon coating which is anti graffiti - if some jerk tags my Executive Train, a trip thru the loco wash will remove it.


The Aerojet
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