Thank you, thank you,thank you.

mantua mike

I just want to thank this forum and it's members for being instrumental in the preservation of my sanity. I sit in an office by myself between 8 and 11 hours a day in front of 3 computers. Thankfully I usually only need 1 or 2 of them. Since I found this forum I get the interaction I need to keep the splinters out of my head from banging it on my desk. This is a great bunch of folks, and I just wanted to express my appreciation.
yeah, I'm able to check into the forum on occasion throughout the day from my office. Sure breaks the seriousness of work.
Mike - ROFL... I used to have 3 monitors, and swapped for a single 72" on the wall with multiple windows open... Better for fading eyesight, but overall not sure which is better... In either case, yeah: the periodic "reality check" of taking a break and seeing what the forum's up to is a definite sanity-saver.
