Tank Cars and Facilities


Found a Army publication .. FM 10-67-1. Chapter 11 covering Tank Car Operations. (The FM is titled "Concepts and Equipment of Petroleum Operations"). What's great about this is that it is written for the soldier .. meaning gives step-by-step instructions for Loading and Unloading tank cars. Covers the site setup, Facilities etc. Example of 'Good stuff' ...


Certain factors must be considered and provided for when choosing and preparing a site. Consider these factors.

  • The site should be at least 100 feet from any building.
  • The site should have adequate drainage.
  • If tank cars are to be unloaded by gravity, the site must be elevated enough to have the proper flow at the receiving container
  • If tank cars are to be loaded by gravity, the loading site must be below the supply container.
  • A spur track or bypass should be provided for loading and unloading tank cars.
  • The track at the site should be level so that product in all parts of the tank car remains level.
