Tank Car Work


New Member
So i was looking around, and decided it might just be best to put up a new thread.

Anyone have any experience with Walthers tank cars? Specifically the RTR TrainLine cars. I have one, and was starting the process of aging it where i typically do, the trucks. Since this was my first of this type, we removed the trucks to alter the color of them instead of doing it while on board the car. Those of you in the know realize what a semi-foolish endeavour that is, due to the type of peg Walthers uses on these. And therein lies my trouble. Is there a way to get the trucks back on? These pegs slink back into the body of the car (of course), and the car is pretty damn solid so it doesn't look like there's a good way to get inside of it. Or is there? If not to those, what's the best way to clip, bore and subsequently replace the peg? Screws? And of what size?

This is actually kinda old for me, but i haven't gotten around to asking.
I have a large quantity of Walthers tank cars, both older white box and a few new RTRs. The older cars have screws to attach the trucks. I haven't started to weather the new cars yet, but I do have some other brands the use pegs to attach the trucks. On those, I discard the pegs and tap the truck mounting hole. Typically, 2-56 is the perfect size.

And before everybody says "Oh, don't bother to tap the holes, just use the screw to self tap.", call me fussy, but I'd rather not risk a car to a misaligned screw.
If you do use the 2-56 screws, I would also suggest tapping the thread into the plastic. Usually what happens when just screwing straight into the raw plastic, is that while it might hold initially, on removing at a later time, the hole gets stripped and won't hold the screw again. Wherever it's practical to do use the self tapping method, then use self tapping screws made for that purpose. Their coarse, tapered threads are not as likely to strip the hole. If you find the 2-56's have a tendency to be loose in the tapped thread, then secure with a tiny drop of tacky glue into the hole. A drop on the end of a toothpick is enough.
