source for 2-56 screws

Can anyone provide a good source for purchasing 2-56 screws. I checked the Lowes and they didnt have any or so they said.

Radio shack?
I believe I picked up some from Radio Shack a while back that came in a package with assorted lengths. You may have to cut them down to the length you need.
If you have a Fastenal store in your area, try them.

Also, check on eBay. There are a few good sources for 2-56 screws on there.

timothy dineen
Look for a fastener store. There is a local store called Tacoma Screw here in both Tacoma and Lacey, WA. I bought a box of 100 2-56 screws for just a few $$.
McMaster Carr for sure. They seem to have just about everything and shipping is not bad with them. I order stuff through them almost every week for the company I work for.
What is the best material type to get? I know you don't want the plastic if you plan to do electrical work with the screws at all (like power a frog connection. Would it be best to use brass for electrical work and maybe stainless steel for others. What do others think?

