SCARM: Coordinates not appearing in status bar


New Member
I've just started using SCARM and when I select a track section, the coordinates do not appear in the status bar. If I copy and paste a track section, and select the arrow on either end, the coordinates do appear.

Why don't the coordinates appear in the status bar when I select a track section?

Is it possible to move a track section numerically using the Toolbox?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Honestly, I have never noticed the coordinates thing before.
Great... one more thing for my OCD to fight me on. 🤣 🤣 🤣

While fiddling with it to see if I could answer your question (I can't; sorry), I also just discovered the "Parallel Start Point" feature. I just did a bunch of designing, too, where that would have come in handy.
Thanks for your help!

SCARM should display coordinates in the status bar.

SCARM should also allow users to move track sections numerically using the Toolbox.

Another useful feature would be moving track sections using arrow keys.
Honestly, I have never noticed the coordinates thing before.
Great... one more thing for my OCD to fight me on. 🤣 🤣 🤣

While fiddling with it to see if I could answer your question (I can't; sorry), I also just discovered the "Parallel Start Point" feature. I just did a bunch of designing, too, where that would have come in handy.
Parallel start point is a very useful feature. It allows users to create equally spaced parallel track sections.
Parallel start point is a very useful feature. It allows users to create equally spaced parallel track sections.
Parallel point is very useful.

SCARM should allow modelers to move track sections numerically using the Toolbox. SCARM should also allow modelers to move track sections using the arrow keys.

SCARM should display the name of the track section, it's coordinates on the layout, it's length, and the layer it occupies in the status bar.
