Scalescenes Cargo Freighter

To pass the time while cutting all these parts out I've started to watch a movies or TV. It seems to make the tedium of the job pass a bit better.

I'm glad I'm not the only one! When I get to a difficult part, or one that requires my full attention, I have to hit pause.
The Hull is pretty much finished now. I added both the joiner parts and the nameplates

The joiner parts hide the joints between the seperate parts of the hull. Where the hull parts are mounted on light card the joiners are only paper so they can flex a bit over curved and uneven surfaces.
Heres the stern with the ship's name and home port:

After attaching these parts I ran a black marker aound them to cover the white paper edges. I'll probably fire up my airbrush later to blend them in a bit better.
Here's the bow with it's name plate:

Now that most of the structure is done, it's back to the detail parts of the ship.
I did get a fair amount done on the ship but I accidentally left my camera at a friend's house for a week so I couldn't take progress pictures until last night.
First I added all the bulkhead top edges. These were pretty easy to do.

The main decks have the grey-white colored edges while the cabin and bridge decks have wood colored.
Next I added the anchors:

and the escape trunks on the stern and forecastle decks


These are made by stacking card and wraping it with the printed paper. You can also see the beginnings of the bollards on the decks around them.
The final and more difficult thing I finished was the stern and bow stairs. There are alot of parts to go into them:

They all cut out and produce these:

and then they are installed on the ship, one on the bow:


and two on the stern:

I still have to bend and install the handrails for them along with the upper parts of the bollards.
I should really be making more headway on this project but I got a new mountain bike about a month ago so that's been taking up my time lately. However there's been some rainy weather so I've been back on the case.
The lifeboats are pretty neat in their constrction so I thought I'd give a step-by-step on their construction.
First came the structure parts:

They're all numbered so they stack together with the boat-shaped parts are separated by a diamond-shaped spacer.

like so:

Then a single strip in glued to the top to create a peak:

Then the peaked top is placed over:

Next comes the coverings. There is a top, bottom and a tarp.

The top and bottom coverings are glued on and the sides are pressed into the framework underneath. The spacers give the look of planking on the sides of the lifeboats

Then the top tarps are glued on. The edges of the tarps fold over the edges and make a wrinkled look to them. The tarp tiedowns wrape around the bottom of the boats.

I'm halfway through building the lifeboat davits now, but no pictures yet.
I finished and installed both the davits and lifeboats.

These were pretty easy since the decks are marked for their location. I'm thinking of adding cables from the davits to the boats yet.
I also added the railings for the bow and stern stairs. The kit comes with two bending jigs for them:

I just painted them white and glued them on

Last weekend I made a trip to the local hobby shop and picked up a few detail items. Styrene ladders and railing from Plastsruct and some anchor chain from Billings boats.

These will be added shortly.
Before that I'm planning to airbrush the hull to blend in the different sections and joiner pieces.
Good News! I finally finished the ship.

I added the railings on the stern decks:

and the forecastle deck:

I built the two masts out of styrene and aluminum tubing.

The cable on the masts is model ship rigging thread, again from Billings Boats. There are cable anchors including in the Scalescenes kit that help with tensioning the lines.

I also finished off the anchor winch assembly, adding the anchor chain.

you can also see the mast line anchors on the deck. These made adding the lines pretty easy. First you drill a hole in the deck then you tread the line into the hole and then slip the line into the slot cut on the anchor block. then the anchor block is glued to the deck.
Now to answer the question about cargo:

Pretty much a little bit of everything. I figured half of the open hold would have lumber from my sawmill, the other half with general freight. This way my port can handle almost any type of freight and industry.
The only thing missing now is a decent crew. I have found that German railway workers in their uniforms make excellent ship's officers but I'm looking for the shore and ship workers for my ship and port.

Here's a final couple shots of the ship sitting in its berth. I did fire up my airbrush with flat black to blend the hull in a bit better. On a former sailor friend's advice I also sprayed over some of the rust stains as he said most ships didn't have so many.


The ship sits quite nicely in the space by the pier. I was lucky that it (the ship) wasn't any longer!
The bow with the name plate

The side from the stern:

and finally the stern:
looks really good, I'm sure it will be an attention getter when it's incorporated into your layout.
Wow very nice Glen, great thread to follow!
The details really bring it to life, are you going to add cables from the davits to the lifeboats?
I might have some crew members for you from the tugboat I'm building, I'll send some pics.
Thanks everyone.

The details really bring it to life, are you going to add cables from the davits to the lifeboats?
I might have some crew members for you from the tugboat I'm building, I'll send some pics.
I'm considering it but with the tarps on I don't think there would be cables attached to the boats.
I appriciate the offer on the crew from you tug and I'd like to see what they look like.

Nice scene, with a bunch of great models! Got any more photos of your layout?

There's a number of my layout photos on this forum. But I'll add more as I complete more of my 'project' list.
