Running Bear's May 2024 Coffee Shop

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That snake is either a Black Mumba or a Garter.
When I was a kid, I thought these were called garden snakes...they should be because they are a gardener's best friend...after the initial shock wears off of course


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Good afternoon. The golf for the day is done. Played better than yesterday with a 74 for 18 holes! My partner played 2 strokes worst than yesterday having a 75. We are in first as a team by quite a bit scratch and barely in first when the handicaps are included. If we finish in the top 3 of either category I will be very happy. But since my partner has a USA gold medal from the Olympics there is no “settling” for him. The foot to the floor again on Tuesday! This is so much better than the terrible playing I had going last week in Arizona.

The son left his g/f behind while he has a charter group to handle today and tomorrow. The daughter and her brood including the hubby showed up late last night to surprise all of us but the son and my brother. The brother handled the $$$ and the son got them a ride here! Terry and my sister are so friggin thrilled! We have not had all of us together in one place since before Covid, someone was always missing…

Before I left Wisconsin I took pictures and packaged up a few weathered cars and diesels from my stash to sell. I put 3 items in the For Sale forum this afternoon. 2 items are not tagged or have graffiti! Shipping (USA addresses only) (sorry Chris)included if you buy via the forum here. I also put them on the FB sales sites I use but plus shipping on the prices

Enjoy your evening

Well, howdy there internet peeps and those contemplating the flattus of gastropods

It's Troy again.

Health updates: MOM - nothing new. She's still in the rehab side of the nursing home. We cannot convince her that it's time. We look at her kidney and heart numbers, and can see that she's got a year at most left (She's 82 and frail). But she's struggling to hang on to her independence. I call and she seems awake, but very slow of mind.

We're at the stage where we kids are at peace with Mom's final year or so. We just want her to be comfortable until the end. And knowing she was on the floor banging for help for several hours isn't comforting. But, her wishes vs trying to make sure that doesn't happen again...

On to me: Back issue still there. I'm trying to get a walk in each morning and do some yoga/stretches. Skipped the stretches yesterday, and I still feel stiff. Made sure to do a round of stretches before breakfast. I should do a midday round, and an evening round.

Tinnitus: Still there. Probably will be until mom is at peace. The Starkey hearing aids are great at the tinnitus blocker. I can tell when I take them out for the night. Through the day, with the blocker running, I'm able to ignore the tinnitus. HOWEVER: Starkey has a very bad quality. Their bluetooth streaming to the hearing aids is not good. Wearing my phone on my belt while walking makes the signal weak, and jump about. Phone calls using the hearing aids as mic and earbuds is tricky too. I have to keep the phone directly in front of me. I set the phone off to side while out on the patio, and my sister on the other end of call said I was breaking up.

On a positive note, I did start outlining a new book. I don't outline much, but I need the main cast of suspects and victims, the macguffin, and the motive.

I should probably go get my walk in before it gets hot. High today of 90 F-degrees (32° for you C people)
Morning all,

Smudge: "Surprisingly there's even one that can swim"...I needed the laugh to start my day. Thanks

72° and partly cloudy, high today of 85°

Local grandkids last day of school is today. Grandson told his grandmother, "We need to come to your house through the summer. When dad's working from home I can't play video games with my friends..."Chip off the old block. They have DSL as the fiber has not yet been extended into their neighborhood.

Good afternoon all.
A busy afternoon, so a coffee on the go please, Flo. Friend visiting for afternoon tea. Oldest grandson visiting. Meals to make before a zoom meeting about 'Art on Ships'.

Those going through challenges may they not be as bad as feared. Those with health challenges a speedy recovery.

Back later
Local grandkids last day of school is today. Grandson told his grandmother, "We need to come to your house through the summer. When dad's working from home I can't play video games with my friends..."Chip off the old block. They have DSL as the fiber has not yet been extended into their neighborhood.


Reminds me of the following. ----------

Can I Sleep At Grandma's Today?

Mom, can I sleep at Grandma's today?

I heard on the bus this morning.....

When I managed to turn around to see the child, that made me go back to the past with one sentence...

She was no longer within my reach.

I travelled far...

When did time go by and make us adults full of boring priorities?

We fight everyday for something that we don't know if it's what we really want.

When in fact Grandma's house is what everyone would need to be happy.

Grandma's house is where the hands on the clock take a vacation with us and spend the minutes unhurriedly arriving.

Grandma's house is where simple pasta and homemade bread get different flavours. Delicious...

Grandma's house is where an innocent afternoon can last for an eternity of games and fantasies.

Grandma's house is where cupboards hide clothes and mysterious tools.

Grandma's house is where closed boxes become chests of secret treasures, ready to be unveiled.

Grandma's house is where toys rarely come ready. They are invented on the spot.

Grandma's house, everything is mysteriously possible. Magic happens and without worries.

Grandma's house is where we find the remains of our parents' childhood and the beginning of our lives.

Grandma's house, on the inside, is the address of our deepest affection, where everything is allowed.

That luxury no longer belongs to me, unfortunately. It will live with me only in memories.

Even so, if I could place an order now.... any order of all orders in the world, I would order the same thing....

Can I sleep at Grandma's today?
Reminds me of the following. ----------

Can I Sleep At Grandma's Today?

Mom, can I sleep at Grandma's today?

I heard on the bus this morning.....

When I managed to turn around to see the child, that made me go back to the past with one sentence...

She was no longer within my reach.

I travelled far...

When did time go by and make us adults full of boring priorities?

We fight everyday for something that we don't know if it's what we really want.

When in fact Grandma's house is what everyone would need to be happy.

Grandma's house is where the hands on the clock take a vacation with us and spend the minutes unhurriedly arriving.

Grandma's house is where simple pasta and homemade bread get different flavours. Delicious...

Grandma's house is where an innocent afternoon can last for an eternity of games and fantasies.

Grandma's house is where cupboards hide clothes and mysterious tools.

Grandma's house is where closed boxes become chests of secret treasures, ready to be unveiled.

Grandma's house is where toys rarely come ready. They are invented on the spot.

Grandma's house, everything is mysteriously possible. Magic happens and without worries.

Grandma's house is where we find the remains of our parents' childhood and the beginning of our lives.

Grandma's house, on the inside, is the address of our deepest affection, where everything is allowed.

That luxury no longer belongs to me, unfortunately. It will live with me only in memories.

Even so, if I could place an order now.... any order of all orders in the world, I would order the same thing....

Can I sleep at Grandma's today?
Sadly, they do grow up way too fast.

It is nice that all 4 grandkids like coming to our house.
Good Morning All. Mostly cloudy and an already warm 75° F, that's 24° for you C folks; and the sun isn't even up yet! Forecast is for no sun today so the high will only go into the upper 80's. We are in the midst of very above normal temperatures for May this year, kind of a repeat of last May. Rain in the forecast off and on for the next few days will cool us down a bit, low 80's!

Quite a blunder yesterday, as my wife got the ENT doctor's appointment wrong. We were actually 90 minutes late and we had to reschedule. I made sure that I got a written appointment card this time. Wife had made the original appointment over the phone and entered it into the phone schedule while on the phone itself. My guess is that the phone schedule defaulted to the time that she was actually on it and that she didn't notice and fix it. Well, that was 2 hours shot. I know what you are thinking, I'm retired so it's no big deal. Except I would have spent that 2 hours plus the preceding one mowing in the cooler part of the day instead of at 2:00 in the afternoon.
Speaking of mowing, I did get the east (and lowest) side mowed finally, I'll get the south side this morning in time for the rain tomorrow. If I feel adventurish, I will mow the side of the county road out front, since they don't get to it very often. It reduces but doesn't completely eliminate grassfire risks later in the season. Most of the rest of the day is unknown right now except supper tonight will be Prime Rib and Acorn Squash with other stuff to be determined later. Prime Rib has been in the freezer since I purchased it on sale around New Year's. I can only afford that cut of meat when it's on sale. Wife will want to cook it in the sous vide cooker, but I am a traditionalist and want to just roast it in the oven. While her bargaining chip is the oven heat, it's got to be on to bake the Acorn Squash anyway!

I spent time out in the train shed yesterday, on just one thing. I made a base for the crossing shanty, painted it and added the fence.

Made sure that the shanty would fit.

Good to go now. I also added ground cover to the site. Now on to the rest of the project. I have one alleyway left, maybe some small trees, finishing the adjoining streets and locating enough vehicles to give some semblance of being there.

Troy - Snake Alert.
Mac - Around here we have what we call "Chicken Snakes" or "Rat Snakes". I haven't seen mine yet this year. Yours though appears to be a Garter Snake as Chad pointed out.

Guy - Surprised that you lived after bringing home the lunchbox surprise.
John - I am a the stage of wondering what I need to do with all of my model railroad magazines. Some are already filed away in boxes with notes denoting interesting articles, many more are stacked on shelves under the layout. I just don't see any opportunities any time soon to go back through those boxes. :(
Tom O - Freight cars look good.

Everyone have a great day.
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