Good Morning All. Partly cloudy and 69°, clouds will keep the temperature in the 80's for another day. Gradual rise but still not out of the low-90's for another week. Lots of thunder yesterday, but the isolated storm slid by to the south of me. Drat!
Yikes! The pool temperature dropped down to 81° yesterday morning due to all of the cloudy days. That's close to too cold for me, and is below my wife's tolerance level. This is unheard of in July! Less than 2 weeks ago, it was 89°. With the wind-free days, evaporation has also been down and chlorine needs have been reduced.
Another week's worth of firewood yesterday, this one for the '25-'26 season, as I start to clear some other areas of the yard out. I did about 45 minutes of mowing as well. These cooler temperatures are really helping with the yard activity.
I have a morning appointment with my Cardiologist today, a 2 year follow-up on the stent. While there wasn't a great amount of blockage at the time (about 30%), I could really tell the difference afterward. Now if I can overcome this sciatica, I'll feel like I'm 60 again. After this morning's doc appointment, I will be stopping at the PT center to set up some therapy for it.
Out in the train shed yesterday, I mainly started the quarterly cleaning, on segment 3 of the lower level. It's a ~40' segment that is entirely made up of my largest town, Fort Wish. It has a main line, a passing siding, and 11 industries with 18 spurs.
Downtown is on the turnback peninsula.
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Some of this area is more finished than this picture shows, but it's the only one that I can find this morning.
Part of it is in this still unfinished strip along the north aisle.
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Yesterday was spent examining the ROW along the main and passing siding for any stray rolling stock parts. Next will be all of the industry spurs and then track cleaning with the Woodland Scenics Tidy Track wand. None of the freight cars will need cleaning since I did all of them last fall, but all structures will be removed and cleaned as needed.
I also added two figures to the roof of the ADM elevator.
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Todd - Quite similar to the crap that we have but never used!
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Joe - I don't believe in investing in cryptocurrency, even though I have seen it make some significant gains at times. I have also seen it take some significant dives as well. I just can't invest in something with no physical assets, properties, employees, etc.
Mike - Mama Kitty probably needs to move the family soon!
Hughie - Sorry for your loss.
Ken - I thought that a no show in court resulted in an automatic guilty sentence.
Bill - I'll pass on the breakfast and leave all of that to
Today is the 59th birthday of Guns N’ Roses guitarist Slash. While I was never a big fan of the band, I disliked the vocalist, Slash is a good guitarist though. TRIVIA: He comes from a rock & roll family. His father designed album covers for Joni Mitchell, Neil Young and Jackson Browne among others. His mother designed clothes for David Bowie, Ringo Starr, Janis Joplin, Dianna Ross and The Pointer Sisters.
Everyone have a fantastic Tuesday.