Reverse loop wiring ?

Tim Seawel

New Member
I am wiring a reverse loop for DCC and am using a MRC AD 520 reversing module. This is a simple one way in one way out loop. I have the loop isolated from the rest of the main the way it says to have your rail gapped. My question is can I have multiple power feeds via the track bus independent of the reverser feed or must all of the reverse loop power go through the reverse loop module. The loop is 18ft long so I would like to have more than just the reverse module feed this section of track? Or would it be Ok to make multiple feeds off of the reverse modules 2 wires. They seem rather small for this to work. I think they are 22ga.

Thanks Tim
I would suggest placing the module as close to the center of the length of the reverse loop section, and running all your power from the module. You will need all the power to that section to come off the output of the module, otherwise you will end up with a short circuit. For the module input, just run a large enough conductor to the module from the DCC bus/track power source. On the output, you can splice in larger conductors to the ones supplied, keeping the supplied conductors as short as is practical. This would reduce the amount of voltage loss on that circuit. Split the output from the module and run it to several points on the reverse loop, and you should be fine. By putting the module near the center of that length of track, you minimize the distance you need to run your output wires.
Agree 100% The longer the reverse loop the better, metal wheels on cars will try and trip the reverser if they are crossing the gap at one end and the loco is crossing the other gap at the other end= short circuit.

I have used Tony's Reverser in the past. Pretty much anything over 10' in length is going to require at least a couple of feeds to the track. 16 gauge wire should be the size for input into your module. then at least 20 to 22 to the tracks.
