Reflecting on 2006, how was it for you

well not much on the modeling front, I've been planing and planing but never doing, I got loco's striped and ready for paiting but still haven't even broke out the airbrush ( I still can't decide on a paint scheeme of Black, Gold and a trim of red), also not a piece of bench work has been set up much less a piece of track, However my 2 year in the ministry has been going very well
> I finished the Behemoth Helix just before Thanksgiving,

Gee, wonder why he called it that...

A 4 track helix!?! OK, I'm impressed!

Have you posted a trackplan of this layout yet? It looks like it's going to be quite impressive. Judging from the engines, it also looks like it may be PRR themed, which also catches my interest.
Well here goes, I have not been on here for over a year due to lots happening that are now settling down. Nothing too problematical just uses a lot of time. I moved my company which tok enormous amounts of time, I had to buy a new car as the Mercedes engine manaement system gave up, my son who is now 15 decided that he did not want to do HO model railroading anymore, and we moved house.

I hope that about covers it.

On the modelling front, I have moved into O Scale with the emphasis on building a small switching layout for exhibition here in the UK with my son. Yup you guessed it he sold all his HO and moved into O. ( Good Lad )

The new layout is going to be on the old HO boards of 12' long by 20'' wide and will be on two levels. Once it starts to take shape I will post some pictures.

Thats about it for now, may I wish everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year and look forward to getting on here more regular.

On a personal note Hi to Greg Elems who I was in communication with but due to a laptop crash, lost all my contact details. Sorry Greg

Regards All

