MT&G Operator 1
I bought this layout from some guy in PA a while ago. I figured to truley make it my own layout. I should build on. So I finally decided that after I add on some modules to make it go into the other room, I will add some more scenery(mostly trees) and buildings to make it look more like the area I live in. I am then going to rename it The MT&G Division, Because I live in the area of Morgantown, Grafton, and Tunnelton(Used to be the longest railroad tunnel in the world, I'm not sure if it still is). All these towns are in West Virginia, and I live within 15 minutes of each one(I'm like in the center of a big triangle). All of these cities are towns that have the CSX line running through them. Daily trains filled with coal, heading to Pittsburg PA I guess! CSX also recently bought a scenic railroad that joined the CSX line in Tunnelton. It was Kingwood(also about 15 minutes away from my house). I hope to have all of these added to my layout soon. Morgantown will be the only current city on my layout. My switching yard in the back of the layout will be Built into Grafton, Since Grafton has a huge switching yard. Where I cut the walls for the train to go into the other room will be the tunnel heading into Tunnelton, and on the other side of the loop that will go around the ceiling in the other room will be Kingwood. I have only seen CSX Trains on this line, But maps say it's the B&O...I might be a little behind, So it might be the CSX by now, But I'm not sure
I am going to run CSX Locos and some with custom decals. I can't wait to finish this!!!
Also, what do you guys think? I'll post some ideas of my current layout soon. And I usually have my TrainCam up! (down now, doing some remodeling on the cam stuff)
Also, what do you guys think? I'll post some ideas of my current layout soon. And I usually have my TrainCam up! (down now, doing some remodeling on the cam stuff)
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