Portable John's - A 1950's Port-A-Potty Business


Engineer in Training
I came up with a crazy idea to make a port-a-potty load on an N Scale 1950's flatbed semi I scratch-built using a Classic Metal Works semi. The thing is though, a port-a-potty back then would have been an outhouse :D

I thought about it for a few days and decided this would be kinda funny. So I tore into my Gloor Craft - Stover's Motors kit and here we go...

Here's the truck that started this whole idea:

I scratch built a couple outhouses:


And here is the actual structure being built:

Here's one of the signs:


More to come soon!
Thank you. Everything will look better and a bit more refined when it goes to the paint booth :D
Hey, stopped to check out your work and noticed the Googlead at the top of the page is a Chicagoland portapotty rental business. You are now controlling the interwebs.
Nice work! Make sure to place it on a spur so it can do carload dropoffs and deliveries. Send a tanker its way when operating.
I still have to add the little metal details. But I started weathering the truck, and while I had my chalks out I went ahead and started on the structures. The rear outhouse was weathered then sanded. The front one still needs to be sanded. I was trying a few different things and I haven't quite got it yet. The kit instructions had the door and window openings a little small on the template I think. I am going to open them up to recess these into the building which is how I think they were meant to be.
Not only do I love the idea of putting a poop house on the layout, I am very happy that now I know the history of the Port-a-John! Thanks for the link!

That is one hell of a building too! I'm getting to the point on my layout where building will need put in - I hope mine turn out half as good!
Pretty good job of being historically accurate! As others have pointed out already, you're not far off from what actually happened.
