Pantograph maintanance ?

On a big electric engine, there's a carbon strip that is on the top edge of the pantograph that makes contact with the overhead wire (not bare metal).

They do wear after a while, and can even break. On Amtrak they'll get inspected before each trip. Probably same for any other electrified railroad.

The catenary wire is not perfectly "straight" down straight track. Instead, it "zig-zags" slightly so that it's not making constant contact with the pan in one small area. This prevents the carbon strip from getting "a hole" dug into it as a result. That could snag on the wire and pull it down. Lots of sparks when that happens!

How long do they last?
I don't think there's a set amount of time, varies on the conditions.
I'm thinking that so long as visible wear remains within tolerances, it will still remain in service...
