painting rocks


I am in the process of building mountains and going to paint the mountain a light looking gray like rocks , but some of these mountains I want them to look like giant rocks, I am looking for suggestions of what kind of washes to use when making a really good rock, the look I am trying to achieve is rock faces in the northwest.
It depends what you use. Are the rocks made of plaster? Or Hydrocal? I used the woodland scenics hydrocal and also got some of the rubber rock castings. Then I used the WS black wash pigments.

yeah thats the color I want, I have been using the DAP plaster of paris for the mountain. I have the rubber castings and will incorporate them in soon, thanks for the response.
A link to painting rocks from Woodland Scenics. Can be reached from the link Michael posted.

The woodland scenics pigments can be expensive if you are doing a very large area. I just use the cheapo acrylics from Dept. stores like WM. What I did was buy a set of pigments and get acrylic colors close to them and use acrylic paint instead of pigments.

The main thing is to liberally dilute pigments/paint with water. You can always use another coat if the first dries too light. For grayish mountains instead of a black wash use a gray color wash. When you are satisfied with your work (dry overnight) then use a liberal but weak black wash to high-lite the crevices. Finish by Dry brushing with a white paint to high lite points where sunlight would be reflected.

I'm not much of a photographer so the photo doesn't do justice to the colors

Anyway have a look at the video, it will give you the basic idea of how to do it.

