On30 Branchline Water Tank


Railroad Photographer
I recently completed a resin kit to make a small water tank that would be suitable for a branchline, in On30. The water spout is intended to be in a fixed up position, but I modified it so it can be raised and lowered. I've placed an illustrated article on assembling this Schomburg Scale Models kit on the Modelers' Guild website in case anyone would like more info: http://tinyurl.com/248s3ta

Info on the kit and other neat ones suitable for On30 can be found on the Schomburg site: http://www.schombergscalemodels.com/
Nice tank Bob, lots of character!
Thanx also for the link, I'll look into that more when I've had more coffee...
I was looking at this post .. first cuppa coffee .. and I'm thinking .. ".. seen this .. " ... then read a bit and saw the link to the Modeler's Guild site. OH. That review. Good one .. :)
