Needing Plastic Wheels

I'm wanting to get 20-30 plastic wheel remove the wheels from the axles for the scrap yard. I have some, but not enough to make a decent pile. Most of my cars came with metal wheels, so I haven't had to change many. I have some old metal wheels I don't like, using them as old wheels on the axle after I cut the points off the axles. Where can I find some cheap plastic wheels? Checked my LHS today thinking some company might sell them in bulk. No luck.
PM me your address, I'll dig some out of the trash bin that I chucked yesterday!
Ever noticed that no matter how long you have something thats just laying around taking up space, that as soon as you get rid of it you need it? Seems to happen to me all to often.
PM me your address, I'll dig some out of the trash bin that I chucked yesterday!

PM Sent! I figured with most running metal wheels, there would be alot laying around. I guess people chunk them like they do with the old horn hook couplers.
PM Sent! I figured with most running metal wheels, there would be alot laying around. I guess people chunk them like they do with the old horn hook couplers.

Every car I have has metal wheels now and every plastic wheel/axle set was pitched.
