My wife's cousin's son (got that straight?
) gave me all his model train "stuff" since he has neither the time nor the space for it. There was a shoebox full of sectional track, mix of brass and nickel-silver but no turnouts, an Atlas over/under pier set, a complete President's Choice set, several low-end cars and a Bachman Spectrum 0-6-0 loco. It seems to be in excellent shape and has Kadee couplers on it. What can you tell me about the quality of this little loco and what might it be worth? There is a tender in the box that has a Kadee on one end and horn-hook coupler on the other end, I'm assuming this is just a "coupler conversion" car so the 0-6-0 can pull the horn-hook equipped cars? The loco has the tank on the boiler and a wee coal box behind the cab and no room for a tender in the box, so I'm assuming the tender didn't come with it, is this correct? (Should have looked on the bottom of the tender for a brand name while I had it out
Thanks for any info.
Thanks for any info.