NEED help on major decision

Can anyone help me with this decision, well i started my BNSF Stevens Pass layout, and thought about it, that i want to model Cajon pass, i have attached a trackplan of my Stevens pass layout, only the benchwork is build, i was thinking going with Cajon pass, but double deckinh the layout, and have the helix at the end of the pininsula.

Please Help, Zak what do you think on this decision?


Well, you've got plenty of room to do it but changing to the Cajon Pass is quite a departure from the Stevens Pass. There's two large yards that service the west side of the pass - Colton and San Bernardino. Assuming you are modeling just BNSF, then Berdoo is the only large yard. After the BNSF trains climb the pass, it's basically nowhereville until you get to Yuma and then next city of any real size is Albuquerque. That's a long way to model on your layout. If you just want to do the pass, that's fine, but your layout seemed to oriented towards going from one large city to another. That's tough using Cajon Pass as your model.
well, i wanted to model more cajon subdivision. You see, i live about 2 minutes from the cajon subdivision and have always loved how it looks, i really like stevens pass too. But i dont know. Cajon Pass just looks better to me. What do you think?
My advice would be to sketch out the section of Cajon you want to model and then see if you can fit it to your existing benchwork. If you can do that without too many compromises, then that might be the way to go.

But, if you find that Sullivan's Curve is going to curve the wrong way, and Mormon Rocks is totally in the wrong place, then perhaps you need to redo your benchwork.

My personal opinion is that your existing benchwork will probably be your biggest handicap, unless things fall into place easily. There's been a couple of times where I had sketched out benchwork for a specific track plan, only to find that when I went to a different plan, the benchwork I had drawn out was totally unsuitable for it.

