Need color help for Frisco engine


The Chief
Im looking at shooting paint for a Frisco SW1500 and are looking to what would be the right colors for the orange/red and Im assuming its just plain white.

Any help would be appreciated.

I have been shooting Polly S water based paints.
FoamersNW said:
Im looking at shooting paint for a Frisco SW1500 and are looking to what would be the right colors for the orange/red and Im assuming its just plain white.

Any help would be appreciated.

I have been shooting Polly S water based paints.

I always used a mixture of Floquil caboose red and SP orange. I got this formula painting some FRISCO diesels from a modeler who was a member of the FRISCO Historical Society. He had pulled it from their website forum, but even they disagreed to what makes an accurate mixture. This one seemed to be very close. The mixture started at 65% red and 35% orange. The correct color is called I think, Mandarin(sp) Red.

Don't know if the acrylic poly-scale colors match the regular floquil colors but you can try and see. May need to change the ratio a little.
The "white" band is white.
The biggest issue is always paint faiding. I had this same issue trying to source the color for the Copper Range Diesels, I settled on Signal red in my case, cause it matched to the brighter images I've seen. Just doodle around with mixes, such as the one Cj mentioned.
