Need a custom building of my church


New Member
I saw a website the other day about a company that will make a laser cut building from your plans/photos and for the life of me, I cannot find it again.

Does anyone know of a reasonably priced company/person who would make a model of my church building for a N Scale project that I am working on?

Please HELP!!!

Well, you pay $44.24 for software that will then allow you to layout what your church will look like. Kings Mills then sends you an estimate to actually make the kit. The ones I've seen are very nice but average about $100. You then have to assembe and paint the church. This might be a good project to try your hand at either scratchbuilding or kitbashing a church that woud be close enough. If you actually need an exact copy and don't have much scratchbuilding experience, the Kit-O-Mat route might still be the best way to go.
I'm a pastor... not a model builder... Anyone know of someone that does this for me? :) It doesn't have to be exact, just semi-close.
You can go with Evans Design Model Builder. It is $45 as well but you can print out a full color paper copy of your creation. The thing is you now have a scale drawing of your building and if you were going to scratch it, you have a good plan to work from.

Edit: The paper models come out pretty well though. You cut out some stronger structure and glue the paper to them.
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I've never used either. In both you have to design the building. I've seen a demo (which you can see on their site) and it looks pretty easy. You then decide if you wanted to scratch from plan or apply the paper. I've read about the Kit-O-Matic but have not heard of anyone actually using the software.
I'd hold off on spending any money on the Evans software, apparently it crashes alot and you lose all your un-saved work. Plus it auto-resizes things unexpectedly. I read an online review of it yesterday, I'll see if I can dig it up...
