N Scale DC Power Supply


New Member
My dad is trying to put together a small N scale layout, coffee table size. He wants to run DC, nothing fancy. I'm having trouble finding an N scale DC transformer since everything has gone to DCC. Any recommendations?
MRC is my go to transformer. I have a Tech II Railpower 2400. Runs 2 engines with no problem. One is listed on eBay now for around $30. I personally would buy one at a train show so you can get it tested before purchasing. If the seller won’t let you, walk away.
I agree you can't go wrong with Model Rectifier Corporation (MRC). If you want new, they make a "RailPower 1300" unit model AA300. For used equipment ebay is your friend, where you can pick up a Tech II Railpower 1400 Or even a Loco-Motion 2500 for about $25. Avoid the older "gold" packs they have passed their prime.
