N scale Block signaling.....help!


UP and BNSF freelancer
So I'm considering this for use to make block signaling:

it's a 3 light Atlas signal lamp, with control board.

I'm having a terrible time finding out more info on this thing!

Also, I don't think the digitrax stuff will work with my MRC, further I looked on their website and tried to identify what would work for me and just got terribly confused, haha.

Further, I'd like to be able to use something like this. http://www.walthers.com/exec/productinfo/183-122
...I'm figuring if I use caboose hobbies ground throws, I can place a switch in line that would allow the circuit for the light to work, no? Something better that could work?
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Walthers rarely has detailed information on other company's products. Go to the source - http://www.atlasrr.com/trackmisc/nsignals.htm. It should answer all your questons about this signal system.

I have no idea what Digitrax stuff won't work with MRC but I would guess a call to Digitrax might help clear up your confusion.

Looks like the dwarf signal could work very well with an in-line switch and a ground throw. It would just be a matter of wiring the switch so it's connected to either the turnout tie rod or the ground throw handle itself.

Maybe, in the future, you could post three subjects as three different posts. The titles will attract more attention and more people will be willing to answer one question than three unrelated questions.
Hmm, looks like I would have to electrically isolate blocks in order to use that signal system.....that won't work to well with my DCC controlling, I should think.

Maybe I'll have to give digitrax a call just to see what they suggest.
Now what about this...I was thinking this might work as opposed to isolating blocks (which I figure can't work with DCC), is using a sensor switch, something like a pressure switch, but two of them positioned for bi-directional operation, that would be 'pressed down' as a train rolls over. Then on the other side of the signal would be another set of them, and as soon as that set is deactivated, there could be a timer relay allowing the yellow signal before going to green.

Any suggestions?
Yes - it won't work, at least not very well. Our small trains don't exert very much downward pressure and you'd end up derailing more often that tripping the switch. Your best bet is optical dectors that can be set in the roadbed or on the sides of the track. It's very easy to use with any circuit that needs an on/off point since the train will create enough of a shadow to trigger the optical sensor and you can usually set a delay when the sensor no longer detects a train before somethng else happens. Check Walthers and look for Circuitron. They have a bunch of different optical detection systems.
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