My Grand River & Western R.R.

Robert, first, raise your hand and take this oath "I will never order from internettrains again". :) These guys never have anything in stock or deliver on time. Cancel your order with them and go to and order your trestle from them. Same price but it's in stock and they will have it for you in about four days.

You can certainly build your own using Plastistruct shapes and sheet styrene but, at the price you pay for the ME kits and the details they have, you'd be hard pressed to scratchbuild one for less and I doubt it would look as good.
I already took the oath... Unfortunately I didn't see the threads about them till a couple of weeks ago, long after I made my order, i learned the hard way by being burnt i guess...

Thanks for the link, I added it to a list I have been collecting since getting back into the hobby...
