MRC Prodigy Advance and Programming a decoder


SO I just hooked up my MRC system to the program track. Main wires will be run next. I installed an MRC sound and motion decoder into an Athearn RTR loco. I thought I had followed the instructions in the manual but nothing is happening. I ran a loco with a decoder factory installed and it ran fine so the track is okay.

I think I am just confused as to how to set this up. I am failry certain the decoder is in right, it is literally just a plug unless I am missing something. (quite likely)

Anyone got some play by play advice on how to get up and running.

Oh, I did read that sound decoders hog all the power from the program track so I re-wired it to the main output with the same result, except there was a brief period of start and stop accompanied by sound. Seemed weird so I stopped playing for the night in search of wiser operators.

On my MRC Prodigy advance squared. I cant run locos on the program track. I can only change CV settings and program. I think this is standard for most DCC mfg?

Only the main track is used to run trains. Also I do most of my Programing on the Main as I can make adjustments on the fly.

Hope this helps.
