Model Railroad Clubs in Wisconsin

Hello everyone!

Does anyone know of clubs anywhere in the Wisconsin area? I live in the southern part of the state, but am planning on moving to the north. I've seen some minor interest from the Appleton area, but haven't found anything online to look through.
I know there is a big one in Milwaukee, cant recall the name but alot of members at my local club talk highly of them..

NAPM - North American Prototype Modelers is probably what you're thinking about.

I belong to a club in Ripon which is a bit of a haul from Kenosha but about 15 minutes to the west of Oshkosh. We are always open for visitors with a little heads up! :p Best part is... only $5 a month! :D

Appleton has a club but I have heard some weird things about it. Oshkosh has a club as well. The guy with the username "hailster" is a member there so maybe he can fill you in on it a bit more!

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NAPM - North American Prototype Modelers is probably what you're thinking about. A very "elitist" club. You have to know a member to even see the layout. No open houses that I'm aware of and membership costs are astronomical. (to keep the riff raff out) :rolleyes:


Um, sorry but wrong on all counts.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Elitist? Hardly. NAPM has members of all skill levels from beginners on up. All income levels, blue collar and white collar.

Open houses every Trainfest and periodically for the Wise Division layout tours. Will be on the 2010 convention layout tour.

Membership costs aren't cheap but aren't "astronomical" either. Dues are $30.00 a month. (rent & utilities plus layout expenses). You probably spend more on fast food or coffee. May seem astronomical compared with $5.00 a month but you get quite a lot for your money. OBTW, how many times a month do you drive from Kenosha to Ripon, and how much does that cost? :eek:

If cheap dues is your main criteria, well whatever. :) Like anything else, you get what you pay for.

Go here for more information:

Or PM me.

Since the gentleman is moving north NAPM may not suit his needs, but you never know who else may be reading this.
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Well, there you have it. I was just going on what I was told by a few people so I guess they we not completely up on their facts. I apologize if I offended you, I did not mean to cause any harm. You guys do have a great layout and hopefully someday I will be able to come check it out.

As far as the dues go... We aren't a "bargain" club or whatever you like to call it. We have a very nice building and a great layout (not huge but you work with what you got) to boot. We do not pay any rent or things of that nature so it makes sense...

Thanks for the clarification,

Not offended at all ;)

Just setting the record straight. We get these kinds of things all the time and I feel obligated to correct them when they pop up. I'm the President there, and it sort of goes with the territory:)

Also, for folks interested in joining, all we ask is that you contact us for an appointment and we'll get you in. The huge popularity of the layout kind of forced us to limit open houses & walk in visitors. There were just too many for us to deal with all the time. That's both good and bad I guess, because no matter how hard you try you end up disappointing someone somewhere!

Hello everyone!

Does anyone know of clubs anywhere in the Wisconsin area? I live in the southern part of the state, but am planning on moving to the north. I've seen some minor interest from the Appleton area, but haven't found anything online to look through.

Here's a link to the Paper Valley RR Club. Perhaps you already saw that.

I live in Menasha and have been trying to get a Free-mo group operating in North East Wisconsin but life is tuff. Here's a link to the groups yahoo page. If might be interested in that please contact me either through the group page of my e-mail.

