McAfee Safe Search Approved


Staff member
Now that I've finished with all of the site upgrades and server migration, I decided to check and see what McAfee says about the site. They were the most common source of warnings on the previous software.

Site Report
Looks like is safe
We combed through this site and everything checks out. Enjoy.

Finally! A clean bill of health. Nice to know all of that time, effort and money I spent was worthwhile. Let's hope we don't have any further issues.
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I just hope it "sticks", as I had so many problems with them before. But I think that between the new server, new software and Succuri site monitoring, I may be able to stay on their "nice" lists and off the "naughty" one. :)
This is rather important to me, as I'm quite certain it scared people away from the site, as well as possibly impacting search results. We need all the members we can get, and having them scare people away was pretty hard to deal with. The usual report seemed to be "malicious downloads", which really confused me, since we don't offer any downloads at all. I'd fight with them, they'd remove it, and then a couple months later, back again. They seem to not like forums in general.
