Looking fror Ideas


After a 20 some year hiatus, I am starting back in the hobby and am looking for a good layout plan.

I have a 4 x 16 table that I built over 25 years ago for the layout, in my garage. I have already put a double thickness of foam wallboard on top of the chipcore board on the table top.

Now what I need is a good track plan. I am modeling in HO.

I am using Bachmann EZ Track mostly but I also have some flex track and that I plan to add in.

I want to have a 4 - 5 track classification yard and would love to have a roundhouse and turntable too if I can work it in.

My plan is to have some mountains, a couple of tunnels, a town at each end of the table with several industries for revenue. I have not decided on what industries I want to have, maybe a lumber mill but I am game for anything.

I am in Former Southern and Clinchfield territory and would like to use motive power from both.

I also want to have some passenger traffic. I am putting in 22 in radius curves on the main.

I want to do both steam and diesel, probably will model the 50's - 60' era so that both types of motive power would fit.

I am open for ideas, and suggestions.

Anyone got any good track plans for ideas in 4 x 16?
By foam wallboard, do you mean styrofoam (the pink or blue stuff), or actual sheet rock wall board? I'm assuming it's styrofoam since wallboard would make a very poor layout surface. If it is actual wallboard, you need to get that off the layout first and replace it with styrofoam.

Can you post a drawing with the dimension of the room and where you expect to locate the layout? It doesn't have to be exact, just approximate. A lot of times, modelers will either end up taking up most of a room with a relatively small layout because it's out in the middle or place the layout against the wall and find that it's almost impossible to reach anything in the back of the layout without a lot of stools and contortions. :)
It's the blue foam stuff.

I hate to admit that the table is against a wall right now. I hope that I may be able to move it away from the wall at some point but right now that is not an option, because of other things the garage is used for. I am aware how difficult reaching the rear will be, but that is something I will have to live with for now.
just a heads up
22" is a little tight for heavyweight passenger cars and even the 4 axel cars offered from walthers or athern etc.... the over hang of the cars will look kinda funny. I tried it and was not happy with the results. I can run Med steam on 22" but I use freight cars in the 40-50' range. With track work I would suggest to stay with the same brand and type. I havent seen EZ track in a few years but last I recall it has a roadbed under it? Flex track does not. trying to join them and keep it level may be an issue. Also 4' is about what you will need to get the train to do a 180 so keep that in mind..
An offset dog bone would give the double main look and keep you from haveing to reach way back to rerail a train.
Anyone got any good track plans for ideas in 4 x 16?


Ideas, ideas where can I get some? Too bad there's not an idea store somewhere!;)

These are my suggestions;

First, do read Chip's beginners guide. For someone just starting out or someone who's been away from the hobby for a while, there is good advice in there.

Second, observe the prototype in your area. See how they have tracks laid out for industries and the like. Take notes and or pictures for later use.

Third, find and buy these books. John Armstrong's "Track Planning for Realistic Operations" and Lynn Westcott's "101 Track Plans for Model Railroaders". Both are available from Kalmbach.
Armstrong's book will help you to plan your layout, as well as giving you ideas for it. The other book, I use just for ideas. Don't look at a whole plan, as just that plan, but also look at the different parts of these layouts for ideas. Take a yard you like off of one and tie it into a industrial area off another and some spurs off another. I have several "parts" of different layouts incorporated into the plan of my layout because I liked the way a problem I had was solved or found something that I thought enhanced what I was trying to do.

Last thing I would do is get a track planning program to draw the plan with. Buy any one of the commercial planning programs like 3rd Planit, or download one of the freebies like Xtrkcad. This allows you to draw, print, and save all of your ideas until you get your ultimate layout finished.
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If it were me, then the first thing I would do is throw a backdrop through the center. Now you have the equivalent of a 2 x 32 layout.

You know the era and line you are modeling now do some research and find 3-4 good layout design elements to fit. One side can be your yard and the other side can be your industries. I might add an exchange track with a different line so more cars can be represented and operations can be broadened.

Believe it or not though, it is much easier to do a little research and model what is there than to try to make stuff up that fits. Try a web search for aerial photo maps. This one is from 1938.


Look for Sanborn Insurance maps at your library. The Sanborn maps will not only show you the track configuration used, the will list the industries (and businesses and houses) along the tracks.


I was able to work the above into a 30" by 13 ft layout.

He does look well-dressed and confident!

If we were making up a story, I'd say that was the owner's son, home from Princeton. Handsome fellow, ain't he. Could be a movie star.
