looking for Software


Hi all,

Been out of the loop for a few months. ( model railroading kinda comes around late winter and spring for me)

I thought there was a section on the available software for running your trains and loads but I don't see it listed here.

What I'm looking for is a program that I can in put my rail cars, loco's and businesses and be able to preform loads for my trains.

I know I can make note cards with loads and pull them but I do have a desk top and lap top I could utilize.

Any suggestions or links would be appreciated.

Also, I'm on a strict budget this year so anything free is a plus.
JMRI is free and has an Operations Module built-in. I haven't used it so I can't comment on it's quality or feature set. There's ShipIt! from Albion Software. I just bought that a week ago and am working my way through setting it up. Depending on your layout, setup may be complicated and like most software it has its faults. For my use it seems to be having trouble keeping passenger and freight operations separated. If you run only one or the other, it should work fine for that.

I took a look at RailOps but I didn't care for it. The interface is extremely dated and clunky, to the point where I didn't even investigate the feature set. It really needs a makeover. It may be good, but I couldn't see myself using it. ShipIt could also use a UI makeover but it's better than RailOp in my view.

On the high end, there is ProTrak. I've been reading the online manual and it looks very good, but it is pricey at $250-350 depending on the version you buy.

Another vote for JMRI.

IMHO, it's essential for decoder programming - You'll never go back.

I haven't messed with the operations "module" either, but it gets widely discussed in the JMRI group on Yahoo - It seems (given the correct H/W) it can go as far as actually running the session.

Incidentally, I'd recommend what they call the latest "test release" (2.11.2 as of today) rather than the "stable" 2.10 - It works like a charm and I believe is much "stronger" in your area of interest.

Please let us know how it goes,
Thanks guys,

I had a look at JMRI last night. looks like it will fit the bill exactly like I am looking for.
I didn't input much yet other than to try it out but so far so good.

The DCC part will more than likely go unused as I'm more of a put it on the track and go guy... ( never invested in DCC)
