Life Like Power Loc switch machine


New Member
I'm assembling a Power Loc layout received as a gift. The far side switch machine wires are about 12'' too short to reach across the layout to the location for the toggle switch. Is there a plug-in extension for these wires or does the switch have to be rewired with longer wires?

I've searched the web for a plug-in extension but have not found it.

Welcome to the forum John.

I'm guessing it's one of these your trying to hook up?


It looks like it's a twin coil turnout motor. They need a special power supply to run them reliably or they can burn out. The unit you need is a capacitor discharge unit, it sends a quick high current pulse to the turnout and makes it switch over.

You can do the same with a pushbutton and toggle switch, but have to very quick pushing the button.

The wires can be extended with longer wires just by cutting and joining with screw terminals.

Hope all this makes sence, please ask any questions you like I'm sure the guys will have an answer.

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The photo of the Power Loc switch shows exactly what I asked about. Thanks for your advice. I look forward to participating on this site as I get into this hobby.
