LGB help


New Member
Hi all

my second post and more questions
I hav a G scale LGB loco that at forst thought it was the transformer but think I have narrowed it down. The train runs very slow around the track and when I try to increase the speed the transformer cuts out temporarily.

I tested the voltage on the tracks and get a ranve of 3-20v DC w/o the loco on the track. With the loco on the track I get no more than 3.25 to 3.9 v DC.

I got a bachmann transformer from my brother that was intended for HO but has the same power output and the loco acts the same, same voltage readings as well on and off the rails.

The set was a gift from my Dad to me that I handed down to my son (Dad's gone now) and my son is a little up set, as am I that the choo choo is broken(somewhat)

It is a 23171 engine w/ a smoke generator( I tried also taking off the smoke stack to see if that was the cause as well)

Is there a way I can repair this? Can it be repaired? :(:confused::(

Is it worth repairing if it will ocst more that $100.00?

I hope I posted this in the right placer so any helpwould be appreciated.
I don't know much about G scale but it sounds like the engine has a lot of resistance when it's put on the track. Since it's apparently not popping the overload circuit breaker in the power packs, it's probably not a short. Try hooking up the power pack to the engine using some alligator clips, holding the engine upside down. If it runs at a higher speed, the problem is likely to be dirty wheels. Use a Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol and clean the wheels while they are running under power, upside down. Follow up with a pencil eraser to get the last grit off. Make sure you do the same thing to the tracks, which may also be dirty and contributing to the problem. I'm hoping this is the easy fix for your problem.
its been years sence te last time I set up My LGB but I recall that the small HO scale transformers did not put out the power needed to run the G scale? I used a few transformers that were larger than a shoe box! this was about 10 years ago

Could be the powerpack isn't putting out enough amps but I really doubt that's the problem with one engine. Even a typical 3 amp HO powerpack should work with one engine and the voltage shouldn't drop so low. I still think it's dirty tracks and wheels but I've been known to be wrong before. :)
You might be right Jim? I had a 12 X 8 G scale layout with 2 loops and could run 3 trains at once. that might have been my issues with the small transformers?
lmack, I think you're probably right. I just buzzed by the LGB part to G scale. LGB engines need 18 volts DC and at least 2 amps available at the track. There are no HO transformers that will supply the correct current and amperage.

Watchbuff, check out the other thread here at http://www.modelrailroadforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10570 for a suggestion about what to use for a powerpack for your LGB train.
