Let's crank it up! WPF! 9-30-05

grande man

Bonafied Grande Nut
Hi all, it's been a slow week around here. Hope ya'll have had the cameras out this week for some new pics. Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Sedalia switcher returns to Denver's Burnham Shops for service in a coal train consist.
I'm Sick of Painting...

All I've done this week is paint. I'm beginning to hate painting this building. Phooey!!! OK. I feel better now.

I've been cutting and assembling front porch parts while waiting for layers of paint to dry. If it turns out OK, we'll call it the Portico. Otherwise it will remain the Front Porch.

Today I glued the stoop and the stairs together and cut the posts to support the porch roof.

The first picture is the portico I'm attempting to copy. The quality is poor because it's blown up from a rather small picture, but you get the idea. The second picture shows the partially-completed stairs, with some of the posts for the porch roof propped up to give an idea of how it's going to look. I think. I hope. Maybe. Sort of.

The TP on my workbench was left by the team who recently decorated our front yard. Comes in handy for wiping glue off my fingers. :rolleyes:
Looking good, Claudia. You're getting me really interested in large scale (like I need another way to spend $$$ :D).
Claudia, almost looks like your going with a SP style paint scheme on your hotel. I'd sure be pleased to be one of its occupants! Shrink me down Scotty!
To all the new folks, don't be afraid to post your old pics. There's folks here that would love to see them, me included!
Here are my contributions for the weekend.


A pair of ex-Susquehanna Dash 8-40B's lead a hot shot intermodal train. (Blurry)


My layout. It is a MESS! :p Please excuse the burrliness, as my camera's battery was running low(It seems to take blurry photos when the battery weakens.) I am planning to create a dog-bone shaped layout. It looks nothing like a dog's chewing bone, though, as many of you probably know.


A freight goes by as a trucker approaches. Notice the green and blue markings?:D Well, you know how layout-planning can be.


Oh, I forgot to mention. The speed limit's 40 and the train was goin' 5. :D

And next up on the chop-block... I MEAN weathering block...hehe..



An Athearn RTR PS 5277 RailBox. Thank you Athearn, I love that prototypical overspray on the roof!:)
Here's another one taken on Rex's layout.
I call it Morning Lineup at Blue Creek.
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Guys, since Cjcrescent is posting in this thread, I can't help but post my favorite pic of him (the payback is gonna be $%&# one of these days :D ).

Here are 2 from me.

This is a loaded rock car passing the run off pond.


This is a proto shot, this guy snuck up on me it was so quiet.

Wow, nice pics, everyone. Wish I had some pics I could load, but I don't have anything to transfer my pics from slide or print to the web.
Plus, all my pics are yellow because I doan't want to invest in tungsten film. Can you take these types of pictures with a digital camera? Is it a good investment? A viable succesor to the K-1000?
Nice modeling David. The pond turned out great.

I'm always amazed how quiet a frieght coasting downgrade can be.

Speaking of coasting downgrade, this empty westbound coal drag winds it's way down the Mine 4 bypass toward Platte Canyon.

All my stuff is digital. The cameras out now a days are very affordable, though expect to drop around 300-500 at least for some type of quality camera. But think of all the film and processing you save ;)
Cjcrescent said:
Finally got it to do right. Had to employ major compression!! But you're right Eric, I'll get ya one day!!!!

I'm sleeping with one eye open my friend... :D
Well heres a couple of a stranger on my layout. Got him on eBay a while back. Have to wait till a few classes in weathering school to make some improvenents on it :D

