Ladies & Gents... presenting the OC&N! (Maine division)


A work VERY much in progress! but you can see I'm not sitting still doing nothing! I'm just MOSTLY sitting still doing nothing!

That's the train room, of course taken over by cats. I've got all my scenery stuff out, because I'm doing scenery stuff.


This is the portland area. All you see is the Roundhouse, and the shore area of bay-lake-ocean.


Other side of the roundhouse, prepping the hard-shell by tinting it green... the areas that don't take the tint are hints that those areas should be tall grass areas. other areas bare dirt, depending on their location...

Sorry, nothing impressive yet, nothing to show but occasional hard work!
Is that another cat on the right....hiding behind the w-scenics foam ramp? Anyway....looks like fun!
Yes, that's the Russian Blue, who is a little upset at all this new stuff on Daddy's train layout!
Should be doing some wiring later today!
Are you doing N scale? My friend Don in portland emailed me a picture of that actual roundhouse in portland....which is almost as good as yours :p. With all the good supplies you have to work with I can see how you're making good progress. I need to check our kroger to see if they can help me out with scenery-wad materials too. :)

Yes, it's N scale! Alas, I got a picture of the Portland roundhouse too late to repaint the front! (bangs head on wall)
Ah, well, maybe a project for later!
Sorry everyone the layout's not super-huge and fully detailed/completed yet! Consider this a work in progress!
No appologies needed, off to a good start! That skirting is something that's usually added last, sure makes the layout look much better!
Do you have a trackplan or overhead shot to share?
We need a new show...."Dude stole my track plan!". Just kidding, but I like yours and eventually I want a U shaped layout.

very nice, well placed sidings and turnouts!
I'm thinking this would be a great 0n30 plan too...
Lookin' good!

That track shot gave me an idea. Part of my proposed railway parallels a stream. I need to find a spot to incorporate it better.
a lot of prototypes do follow streams, so it's a good idea. Scenery ideas of course would include a homemade footbridge at the narrowest point (give people a stream, and they always want to cross it!).
