Insulated pins for 1122 switch


New Member
I am trying to get an old Lionel train running but am having difficulty with the wiring of the 1122 switch. I dont know the locaqtion or the insulated pins. I would appreciate any input that I can get.
From memory, take all the rails off of the end of the switch. Turn the track power on and use a short piece of wire to touch the outer rails at the end of the switches. This should cause the switch to change. Now you have to put the insulated (or fiber, as they are called by Lionel) pins in those rails.
Look for the Vee

I checked out the manual. The two inner (outer, not center) rails that form a V where the curve section meets the straight. Just for the record.
This is just for switches with the automatic feature to prevent derailing. The older ones do not have this.
