
Hey guys,

Need some help. I'm trying to figure out how to do the scenery here on this area. I'm trying to decide if I should keep this track work looking new or if I should bury the track to where just the rails are showing or make the track work look a little over grown with weeds....opinions wanted!
It depends on how often this plant gets serviced. It looks fairly new and clean so I would have a well maintained right of way.
if thats a pepsi or a soda plant? im sure that would generate cars all the time traffic coming in and out. I could see if this was a spur that didnt get much traffic at all then yeah i would probably bury the ties

What era are you modeling, modern? i would leave the ties visable, doesnt mean you couldnt still add weeds around the track and what not, probably would look good
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I vote for clean and well maintained. That doesn't mean that there can't be some stray weeds showing but this looks like an industry that would be fairly new and generate a good number of carloads each week. That would be a strong argument for regular maintenance.

Looks like you've got a good start on your layout. Did you predrill the holes in the OSB before driving the track nails?
I would say make it just like this Co.


And if you have tank car unloading then dont forget the spill mats!
