I need to find a smaller DCC with Sound Diesel...

Hi fellow railroaders,

I just received my Proto 2000 SF E6A/B unit today in the mail and was surprised at the overall size of this beast. :eek:

My BLI Steam Engine is 8" long not including tender and my locomotives are 7" not including the couplers. This E6 is 9 1/2" long and looks like it would be out of place on my small layout. Not to mention that I have a short radius (15") on one end of my layout. I know...shame on me for this radius, but what is done is done. :eek:

All of my other locomotives handle this track just fine but I am concerned about my new aquisition and before I open it, I need some advice because I may have to return it to the vendor.

Any ideas or suggestions of manufacturers who make smaller diesels equipped with DCC & Sound. It does not have to be a E6 A/B unit. I am modelling the 1945-1955 era on my layout.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,
Broadway limited it about to re-release the SW9 and NW2. Both have DCC and sound. With a 15" radius curve, you have really limited your search capability. I am not sure a GP7/9 will make it. I know the E6 won't.
My GP9M from Walthers makes it just fine on the 15'', although it won't make sence to send anything bigger down that way. The 4axle C-L9ner makes it as well, but its getting tight. I plan on having that whole industrial area restricyed to lightweirds RS-2 service.
