how to (or should I) attach Kato track to board?

What is the opinion out there as to whether permanently attach kato unitrack to the foamboard base ?? I have watched that Micheal Gross-led video where they show the track being glued down with liguid nails, but I may want to make changes, or, heaven-forbid, what if a switch machine goes
How would I (easily) replace that piece of track ??

I have a track plan I THINK will be permanent, and do want to begin scenery soon after, but am relucant to get that glue gun out. Any suggestions as to what worked for anyone out there using Kato Unitrack (with a blue foamboard base) would be very helpful......and btw, is there any kinds SEMI-permanent adhesive out there that works with foam okay ?? And what about gluing down only SOME of the track pieces, not all ??
To glue or not to glue

:eek: Good day. To glue or not to glue. One thing, glueing helps the trains have stability while running (track does not move). This is good to elimate derailments and crashes. Well I have a combination of Kato turnouts and regular track/roadbed for my layout. I have had to change things often (get new ideas). The turnouts would go bad or the track needed to be repositioned. What to do after I have glued it all down? I found that using a flexable pairing knife worked great. I did not glue the turnouts but the track either side was glued so it kept the turnout in line. I could pull up the track by slidding the flexable knife along under the cork roadbed and it came up fairly easily. After the track either side of the turnout was cut free the turnouts came up nicely. To repair the damage to the secenary was easy. Remember your scenery is YOURS. With Woodland Scenics products you can cover almost any issue. I know because I have had to make many changes and found that the repair was easy and looked great afterward. I say glue the track lightly so the trains have stability and have fun.;)
