How many of you wish your layout was featured in a model train magazine?

It depends why you wish it was in a magazine. If I had a layout to put in a magazine, I'd do it to inspire other modelers. It's not really about me. 10s of millions of people around the world have been entertained by my work in magazines, television, books, movies, National Park displays, etc. It's fun to get a note from someone like the one I got last week, "I took my 8 year old to see [a movie I worked on] and here's a photo of your name in the credits". I was just happy something I helped make brought some joy and beauty into somebody's life. It doesn't really matter to me if anybody knows I made the thing, which is good because they probably don't.

I think sharing in the forums is more useful to modelers than being in a magazine. I like trying to help figure out a fellow moder's problem or share a fun photo. I like the personalness of it even if it is just online.
